Guy was a great coach and personality but not the first to recruit blacks. Back in the 50s U San Francisco had several including Bill Russell. Wilt Chamberlain played for Kansas and UTEP beat Kentucky in 1966 with 5 African Americans.
The article I read said Lewis was the first coach in the south to recruit black players. Maybe he had some before UTEP.
Wow. Does not come as a shock, but then It does. Great talent. Ginormous ego. Addiction. Another dead rock star.
I'm never surprised to hear a rock n roller has died even if they aren't old. It's the rock n roll lifestyle that does them in.
he should have died 10 yrs ago. his wife said he has been drug free for years. crazy woman. i saw stp 2 years ago with chester bennington, lead guy from linkin park, as the singer. was pretty good actually. if chris cornell dies, a part of my soul will go with it.