Maybe so but he has the money to pay for treatment and medications. Magic Johnson is now completely free of the HIV virus
No such thing as free from HIV. Last year.... "On Sirius XM, Johnson explained the details of his health, saying that he is not healthy because of his wealth nor because he consumed a specially concocted drug that cured his disease, as many have surmised. In fact, the Hall of Famer explained, he has access to the same 30-something drugs other folks battling the virus has at their disposal as well, and he takes a cocktail of three of them every day after dinner. The 6’9″ L.A. Dodgers owner wanted to make clear that he still has the virus but it is in a dormant state, telling the radio show host Renada Romain, “I do have it and have had it for 22 years. It’s just laying asleep in my body.” The purpose of Johnson doing the interview was to let folks know that the virus does not affect everyone in the same way and that he is just one of the lucky few to have survived as long as he has with it, “The virus acts different in everybody … so just because I’m doing well, you might NOT do well,” he told Romain. "
It's ironic, when Magic got AIDS it initially terrified everyone about getting the disease somehow. Lots of education was needed. Now that he's had it for 22 years and is seemingly healthy, people are starting to think it's no big deal.
Cost Of Treatment Still A Challenge For HIV Patients In U.S. .....But the pills for HIV that is taken daily come with a hefty price tag. Monthly HIV treatment regimens range from $2,000 to $5,000.....
Nobody post this. Was a few days ago. Guy Lewis, former U of Houston basketball coach dead at 93. Lewis was the coach of the Phi Slamma Jamma team with Hakeem Olajuon and Clyde Drexler. Also first coach in the south to recruit black players. His 1968 team with Elvin Hayes and Don Chaney ended Lee Alcindor's UCLA team's winning arrest in the first nationally televised game in the Astrodome before over 52,000 fans.