1. Bloomberg's approch is all wrong. You cannot "ban" people from drinking a substance that is completely legal. A better measure would be to start educating school aged children about the harmful effects of sugary drinks and eating healthier. I do not want the government telling me what I can and cannot eat but I would also like to see more people being conscious of what they put into their bodies. Afterall, obesity costs the country billions in unnecessary health care costs which get passed on to the rest of us. Point being that there is a way to handle this without a law against it. Look at how well we've done with getting people to stop smoking cigarettes just from better education about their harmful effects.
  2. Coke is the very reason I have a spare tire even though I swim everyday. I drink at least 4 Cokes a day. I would rather have the gut than give up my Coke.

    When I swam competetively I only drank water. Going without any kind of flavored drink (gator-ade, juice) from 11 through 21 was tough.

    I remember the first coke I had at 21. It was at Raul's Deli and it gave me a buzz.
  3. Raul's at the northgate?

    One of the best burgers in the deep south. Seems like I only eat there when I'm shit housed.....maybe that's why it's so good.
  4. What? Show me where I said that.

    I didn't ask you but your responses in this thread show otherwise.

    On the record, I don't give a shit what people do UNLESS it affects my pocket book. If I'm paying for it then it's a problem.
  5. So true. Such a good job that my youngest hounded me enough about it to where I quit for her. (chewing and smoking actually). When she said, "You'll never quit" meaning that I couldn't, I heard in her voice the desire for me to so I did.
    KyleK likes this.
  6. Your theory is jacked. Everything EVERYONE DOES AFFECTS YOUR POCKET BOOK.....

    I do not need to repeat that..

    Supply and demand 101...

    Again, regulate everything..
  7. Adam Smith??
  8. I was 35 pounds over weight as I had been for many years. I stopped drinking sodas for 8 months but kept the rest of my diet the same. I lost exactly ZERO pounds. I went on a low carb diet and I lost the 35 pounds in a year. I slowly slipped back to my old diet and gained most of it back without drinking any sodas. I added sodas again and I have gained exactly ZERO pounds since adding them. I am convinced that adding a ton of sugar from sodas to the already ridiculous number of carbs we eat in our pizza does nothing. Cut the carbs to the bone or don't bother to remove sodas. I have 30 pounds to lose and stopping sodas without reducing the other carbs will do nothing.

    We will get our carbs and nothing any "well meaning" liberal is going to stop it. This idea is a pathetic attempt to control the masses by an elite that has no freaking clue. The argument that people's weight problems is costing taxpayers money is not an argument to control people. It is an argument to reduce the size and scope of government to keep it the HELL OUT OF OUR BUSINESS.

    I have bad news for the masses that insist that the "experts" in the medical field and government (or any field) are wise and can be trusted to make decisions for us... it is an illusion that will cost all of us our freedom and our way of life. You are 18 and you don't need your daddy to make your decisions for you (and me). Grow up.
  9. Sugar IS a carbohydrate, amigo. You can't cut carbs effectively without cutting sugar.