Improvements? Yes... I could see a need for that, particularly in the lower bowl. But as for tearing it down and rebuilding it, I'm not for that at this point. And I don't think they will do it anytime soon, as long as the West Upper is still practically new. I do think they could do a substantial amount of work in different sections during the off season like they did the West Upper. It would take a wise game plan and the trick would be not to attempt too much at once. That reminds me.. Anyone know what ever happened with the 80ft wide HD screen they're supposed to be adding to the north endzone? Just curious, last I heard they were supposed to have that installed for the start of the '09 season.
true. however that will cause the powers that be to say see, now we need more money and price tickets more out of peoples budgets.
I agree. It would have been a huge waste if they build an entirely new stadium. I'm hoping they can just improve the inner bowl. But I'm no engineer, so I don't know if it's possible.
i'm all for replacing the bleachers in the lower bowl, but, the stadium will be there for a long time to come. and before red says it, the concrete is just fine in that structure
Alleva on the radio last week said work was going to start next month on replacing it and the south end zone scoreboard should follow for 2010.
Glad to know you've inspected it. :thumb: The ole gal definitely needs a lot more than just new bleachers.
I'm thinking the whole lower bowl could be replaced. We'ld lose a few thousand seats making the place up-to-date (ie not having someone's knees in your back).
That's what I really wonder. We know the stadium was build in parts. So the sections are not exactly connected structurally. Who knows, it may be possible to do a section at a time each off-season. West stands, east stands, south upper, south lower, north, etc.
The dorms are trashed. They need to be completely torn out. Perhaps after tearing the dorms out they can reclaim some of that space for use. At one time I heard some of the north end zone dorms would be renovated into a party room with a large plate glass window facing N. Stadium Dr.
...and i ask an industry leader about it too. says the structure is so massive that it can stand forever