I'm just saying, there is no way in hell I'm letting anyone that I love live in that shithole, no way! You find another job, you change careers you come live with me but no way they are staying there.
I wouldnt move to Dallas itself. Fort Worth is safe. We have Barrios here. I make this distinction all the time. A ghetto is for thugs who dont work and do gang and drug shit. Like most of New Orleans. Fort worth doesn't have Ghettos. We have Barrios. The difference? Hispanic. However, they all work and have jobs. So while it looks rough, if you dont fuck with them, they wont fuck with you. They are too busy building our homes and shit. Dallas has ghettos, while bad, not near as bad as New Orleans, but still operated under liberal retards.
the way racism is used as a weapon, and any talk of a controlled border is shouted down as nazi, we are so massively and supremely lucky to be bordered with mexico and not a country filled with assholes. mexicans are kind and polite and hard working. man, if we were on a border with muslims america may have already been completely ruined.