Is that what you call it? I'd rather hang out with the group waiting for trabajo in the Home Depot parking lot off the 405 by the airport than anyone from Alabama.
It's English. They just use a lot fewer words. Easy to remember gump names too. All the men are named Bubba.
I don't think even red would be in favor of tearing down historical monuments. Of course he's not around anymore to speak for himself so maybe he is.
Why not? There is a statue of Washington in Trafalgar Square in London. It seems the people of Britain arent a bunch of Nancys like the people of this country. I mean that's your earlier criteria correct? Traitor?
Woulda, shoulda coulda. What is is what is. Should we have been better prepared for Pearl Harbor? Should the Gemans heeded what happened to Napoleon and never invaded Russia in the wintertime? You can't change the past no matter how much you want to. The statues stood for years and nobody have them a second thought, including the sheep who have jumped on the year it down bandwagon. Did you ever even think about Confederate monuments until the liberal PC groupthink crowd told you that you should be against them?
So, you didn't even have the courage to answer the question? I'll try another one: how long does it take in minutes, days, years, centuries for an offensive public symbol to gain permanent protection under an "historical" basis? And now I'll answer YOUR question. I have been opposed to the Confederate monuments in New Orleans ever since I was able to develop an informed opinion about the Civil War and its consequences.... as I'm 63 now that's been a pretty long time.