Advocate's Murder Plot Crimes-Picayune Murder Plot For BR, the bulk of the murders are concentrated in the seedier parts of town. For NOLA, you can note that there was only 1 murder in the French Quarter. For those unfamiliar with NOLA, the bulk of the murders are in areas of town that are also quite seedy. These parts of the city are poor and drug-infested. No place that any tourist would care to visit, unless you are a tree-hugging, dudley-do-right. And even those guys would be fool to enter into those nieghborhoods between dusk and dawn. While I agree that the murder rate is unattractive, it is also seriously misleading. On a national level, people see the murder rate for BR and think they would never move to such an unsafe city. BR has so much to offer, and the bulk the city is safe. BR consistently ranks very high in parks per capita, and the quality of our park system is pretty good. We have excellent attractions and restaurants (although we could stand to lose a few chains). Kip's programs to improve traffic flow (Green Light Program) is showing success, and he is working to increase bike paths. When you have a small population, and a disproportionate number of thugs, the murder rate will contain bias. I could go into a long diatribe about this, but since Katrina, a large number of thugs stayed in the city, and more returned to wreak havoc on a lawless city with poor leadership. All the while, Willy Wonka is flying around the country to all kinds of seminars/conferences on the city's tax dollars. The French Quarter has never been cleaner, tourists and locals are both happy about it, and there's ole Willy, not wanting to pay invoices for sanitation services. I am getting really sick of the press and the terrible bias they take on certain stories. Alas, that's for another thread.
You can see by his desparate plea for company that he is lonely. This in itself is one of the severe punishments he gets for his severe crime. Though I'm a capital punishment advocate, this can be a much tougher punishment than a brief lethal injection. Reading this actually makes me feel good that he is suffering for his crime.
i would agree with you if not for the fact that we the taxpayers are paying for this ass hole to eat, and be medically treated.
LaSalle, I remember that murder very well. I believe it was the semester I was student teaching @ Tara High School, right before I graduated from LSU. It was in the news for a really long time.
Isn't this true everywhere? I was pretty annoyed reading that .pdf seeing how the defense attorney was trying to get a lighter sentence based on formality.
my grandpa used to tell me, "jeremy, do you know why jesus didnt have a lawyer? Because there are no lawyers in heaven!"
This is something I have grappled with the past 2 years myself. The integrity and morality of becoming a lawyer and applying to law school. Id probably suck at it anyway.
when friends visit me they somtimes ask "isnt new york dangerous?". i remind them that any time they spend in new york away from baton rouge makes their lives far safer. baton rouge makes new york look like mayberry.