In other news of racism, one thing i have learned is that Irish people from Ireland think Americans of Irish descent are annoying as fuck, and they are. The Irish call them plastic paddies. This is amusing to me and I have taken to calling any American that celebrates at Patrick's day too intensely, a plastic paddy asshole This has nothing to with gun control and I apologize. I should start my own racism thread.
American Irish i have encountered are really racist, but Irish from Ireland love black people for some reason. go figure. if you werent so lazy, you could teach sociology full time and make a million dollars on a book deal . lazy ass, hate people like you with all that potential.
I think that is true. I think Nordic and Celtic people tend to like the black fellas. When I was in iceland I was the only American, black or white, but I was told that the black Americans tend to bang the shit out of icelandic girls, which is pretty sweet because those bitches is foxy.
Haha nice race card Joe Biden, who the hell mentioned it? Page 1 in Liberal playbook. To modify a quote from Emmet in Roadhouse, calling me a racist is like putting an elevator in an outhouse, don't belong. Same could be said for calling you objective. Whatever is the term for a person who hates extreme feminist, bigger/more gov't, racism, gov't entitlement programs and handouts, label me. Speaking of........If your "S" key is missing I'm sure you could apply for more gov't assistance (ahem, aka further maximize your slack) to get a new one, however if you meant fa"s"cist, see my reference on racist. However, if you went Urban on me you clever ole dog, I tend to only judge people by the appearance of their faces (facist) when I've been drinking heavily......I'm thinking you went Urban, you clever ole sonofagun...... Hey watch it! He for sure doesn't need you disagreeing with him.......he possibly said I'm a fascist, facist, racist, he's Red, a forum legend in his mind...... he's gotta be right, just ask him.
It is worthy of mention that the better right wing extremists above could not get elected today because they are not religious enough and are way too racist.
I read a scientific study once that said that the Japanese were the most xenophobic race in the world.
Everybody is a racist, it's only a matter of degree. The ones who proclaim that they aren't are usually among the biggest. I did. I don't even qualify for Social Security. I take on challenges. You have an argument? I'll argue with you. You want to start a pissing contest, you're going to get wet. Perhaps I'll be wrong some day. Then I'll be humble. Until SabanFan returns, I carry the mantle of Haughty Grouch in Chief.