Are those flash screens the screens that kind of wrap around the the ones you see in hockey and b-ball arenas?
The ones in the Arena look great... The flashing purple and gold bars on the screen will add a little extra flare to already the best stadium in the world.
I hope that it isn't too different from the screens in the NO Arena, because if they ARE just bulb/LED that operate on a circuit concept--THAT would look pretty cheap and cheesy if you ask me... I say leave it off completely
The old tiger stadium scoreboards had a marquee that ran during the games and would post the key players names and numbers on big plays as well as other stuff. I remember it was sponsored and run by Butch Baum, CLU. I missed it when the new scoreboards were put in. Sometimes on a big play I can't hear the radio or the PA and I want to know who made the tackle or who caught the pass. Ol' Butch always had it up quickly on the marquee. The 'tron usually just goes into some silly "Touchdown" animation that we have seen before and couldn't care less about. An information screen would be great. Somehow I expect it will carry more advertising than info, however.