Yeah, I noticed that myself when I was testing it out. Nothing I can do about it right now but it will go on the list of things to address.
I JUST noticed this. The new design looks nice, but will take some getting used to, especially since TF has had the same look for so long.
It's not part of the new design. We may figure out a way to include it in the future but not at this point.
Can we get rid of the ribbon toolbar on the left and go back to full screen. For those of us who use ipads for example it's valuable real estate. Just a suggestion. Put those options back at a pull down menu so the forum itself takes up the entire space left to right
We're going to be adding banners to the left column very soon so that's why the left column is there. I don't have any there now because I have some technical bugs to work out with how the page loads. I want to make sure the page loads fast and that the forum content loads before the ads display. Screen real estate is the reason I changed avatar sizes down to 150. An option may be to offer a left-column free theme for a fee later but we have so much under development at the moment it's not a priority. For now you can still access the old forum layout from the bottom left-hand of the forum if that works better for you.
I have been wanting to ask for this for a while but figured it was not a big deal. Since the design change, I figured I'd aak anyways. I check the forum 90% on my phone, is there anyway we could get a bigger next/previous page button in the topics. It's the only tricky thing I have to zoom in to do. Like the new design, very clean looking. Thanks for your hard work on the site.
I use that feature a bunch, myself - under Forum Menu, View New Posts. In fact, it's why I'm still viewing via the Tiger Forums format.