New Arizona Immigration Enforcement Laws

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by OkieTigerTK, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    good, bring them in.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    ...and there it is. You try to have a discussion about an issue and as soon as you disagree or provide valid points in opposition, the race card is pulled. :dis:

    From now on when someone pulls the race card I'll just take it as an admission of surrender and as a waving of the white flag.
  3. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    then they should arrest them and jail or deport them if found guilty. how does the new law help them find criminals?
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    We do. They just have to play by the same rules as those other immigrants. They have to apply for a work permit, and be screened for communicable diseases, felons, or having no apparent means of support ones self--either a job or a sponsor. Millions of immigrants have done this by patiently waiting their turn and going through the legal procedures. I have no problem at all with this and I think we should be making it work better, but two things are paramount. But they can't just come here illegally.

    1. The best interests of the United States trump your personal best interests in getting cheap roofing work or the best interests of foreign nationals breaking our laws and keeping Americans from working on your roof.

    2. Ignoring the immigration laws and breaking into the country is an offense that cannot be ignored. Border Patrol officers profile illegal aliens by sight all of the time, pull them over and deport them, foreigners breaking our laws have no Constitutional rights. There are permanent border patrol checkpoints on Interstate Highways near the border and everybody is stopped and searched for illegal aliens and can be asked for ID. Arizona just wants the same privelige because the feds can't keep up with the problem.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Do you have children? If so, how many students are in their class? (20?, 25?, 30?) Why not put 200...or 300...or 500 in a class?

    Most people would state the children wouldn't receive a quality education as the teacher:student ratio would exceed an acceptable amount.

    We allow more people to "legally" immigrate to America than all other nations combined yet it's still not enough? We've always done this in a regulated manner. Why should we open our borders and allow everyone to flood the country. The very reason they're interested in coming would disappear very quickly. Admitting too many people too quickly will not work.

    Let me give you another example. You move to a community and for 20-30 years the voters approve tax increases, etc. to improve schools, roads, parks, infrastructure, etc. After years of paying large amounts of tax, your community becomes known for it's superior quality of life. As a result many people relocate to your community. Although they share in your desire for a higher quality of life they're not willing to pay for it and begin to vote against all taxes, etc. The community eventually degrades and your property value plummets.

    To avoid this you set rules, regulations, and laws to protect your investment. America has not turned her back on immigrants. America has and will continue to allow people from all over the world to come here.

    We need to continue to allow people who "want" to be here (and become Americans) an avenue to proceed. For those who "need" to be here (but aren't interested in becoming an American) there needs to be limits.

    Don't only look at Hispanics. If we opened our borders you would see something like a scene out of D-Day with thousands of ships on the ocean. Only this time they would be bringing millions of people from China.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    again, what i am asking you for are legit reasons immigrants shoulndt be here. supa has demonstrated that they are not really a net loss in terms of straining infrastructure and taxes. and i pointed out that we need younger workers because we are becoming a very old nation.

    the reason "its illegal" is not a good reason to oppose illegal immigrants. what is legal has nothing to do with anything, because our lawmakers are a bunch of asshats that cant remember their own names. their laws are absurd and often directly opposed to what is correct.

    dude, i am not saying your racism is immoral or "wrong" or whatever. i dont give a damn. nobody is more racist than me. i am full of hate. i am pretty much a borderline eugenicist, like the nazis. i dont care. in fact i think most latinos are stupider than the average white american. i am racist of the highest order. thats not at issue here.

    what i am saying is that by being racist, you are not just hurting the dirty mexicans, you are hurting yourself, because they make this nation better. i am not trying to cast you as racist and pretend i won the argument on moral grounds. i will win the argument on practical grounds.
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i dont have kids but if i did i would hope they went to a racially diverse school, and i would hope that we used our tax money to build more schools instead of obamacare of whatever socialist plan red and obama have readied for us.


    so these people move in and start voting down taxes? i like them.

    that would be awesome. i love the chinese.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i actually think the best solution right now is to take whatever number they have, whatever the quota is for allowing immigarnts in from each country, multiply it times 20, and go from there. plus allow citizens of china and venezuela and other similarly oppressive places instant citizenship. oh lord that would pressure these countries to change.

    lets pretend for the sake of argument we give a damn about each other, about humans. i know this is not true. but if we did (we definitely dont) then isnt this issue more important than all the rest of the BS we pretend to care about? shouldnt we be solving the real problem that is hurting humanity, lack of freedom, lack of being american? can you imagine how terrible it is to be born in mexico or china?
  9. Indiana Tiger

    Indiana Tiger Founding Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    Not exactly simply:

    How a certain AZ jurisdiction interprets forbiding profiling. From the class action lawsuit I linked above:
  10. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    Very naive. No nation that I know of has open borders. Every country has a right to secure borders. Every nation has a right to determine who enters and under what conditions. You fail to distinguish between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants. No one has anything against legal immigrants; it's the illegal immigrants that are the problem. It is not about liking immigrants or disliking immigrants; it is about enforcing immigration law.

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