As much as I like TWD, AHS is probably my favorite show on TV at the moment. I read an interview with the creators that said next season may have different characters in a different house. After all, how much more of a story can they get out of the one house? And, while nothing is finalized, it would suck if they didn't bring Jessica Lange's character back in some capacity. Constance is the shizznit! :lol:
Yes, there is some really bad writing that keeps the show from reaching it's full potential. However it is still good and it looks like Rick isn't going to be such a puss this season.
For sure. Now, he just needs to put Shane in his place. Shane's head is in the right place. Shane is right about the things he's saying, but he just goes about them the wrong way. Ultimately, there will be a showdown between him and Rick.
yes, "it was justified". I was kind of excited to see where the writers would take the (Rene) character though. He didn't last very long.
An interesting story note: In the pilot Rick shot a young girl who was a walker. He didn't know what was going on at the time but she just wasn't right. In the mid season finale he shot Sophia, another young one. I liked the way they tied that together.
Lori is a "love interest," plain & simple. After all, what did she really accomplish for the group as a whole, throughout the first season? Nothing much: she was mother to Carl, occasional sperm receptacle to Shane; she seems to believe--and voiced same to Rick--that it would maybe be better that none of them were to survive--that it would be better to be dead! Screw her! Where would humanity be if everyone had that defeatist attitude? You live your life the best that you can, whether you are dealing with zombies or the reality of life now in the USA. Suck it up, make yourself useful to yourself and your group--or take the blue pill and opt out.
I noticed in a recent Sports Illustrated article (think it was in the Signs of the Apocalypse) that there is apparently a new app designed for runners/joggers of audio having zombies chasing them, which helps the joggers run faster. If any of you that like zombies and also like to run, I'm curious if it's an effective tool for running faster. Sounds like a pretty good idea.
We should create a similar app with a gastroenterologist coming up behind the runner, holding a huge colonoscope! If he catches the runner? Well, you can guess the rest!!!!