I just finished the 1st Season on Netflix yesterday. Outstanding! I have my DVR set for Season 2 repeats happening on New Years Eve. Quick question - I noticed there are only 6 episodes ready to record from Season 2 - is that it again or are there more Season 2 episodes coming back on in Jan/Feb.? Great to have a mini-series to watch during the "off-season"....
I don't see Shane as a maniac. Shane is the guy who has to make choices that would be unthinkable before the event. Nasty, hard choices--that had to be made by someone or the kid dies from lack of surgical supplies & anesthesia stuff. One guy survives, versus both dying together at the school. Shane becomes the sheepdog necessary for a flock to survive. He's in contrast to Rick, who is trying to keep his full humanity for as long as he can. But what would Rick have done in Shane's place that night? Great series!
Edward Jenner--great name to use for the CDC doc. Dr. Edward Jenner was the MD in 1796 who pioneered vaccination! Why make up a name when you can lift that of a legend!?!
Last nights mid season Premiere was solid. Great beginning and a great ending. I hope Lori dies or gets bitten. I'm so tired of her. I loved Rick going "Marshall Raylen Givens" on those two dudes in the bar.
Agree on all counts, especially Lori. Not sure WHY she decided to go after Rick, alone and pregnant. What did she hope accomplish? Rick was already going after Herschel, so why did she need to go?
That's true. It does have it's good and bad but its still very entertaining. I did think they drug the Sophia story arc out way too long, but even though it was kind of predictable, when she came walking out of that barn and Rick had to put her down, it was very dramatic. Peabody, have you seen America Horror Story? If you like the Walking Dead, you'll like this one. That's one freaky a$$ show right there.
Have I seen American Horror Story?? Are you serious? Anything with horror, I'm all in. It's a weird show. In most ghost shows, ghosts can't actually kill living people. The show has a lot of excellent shock value like the school massacre.