Wow, what an emotionally gut wrenching episode. I won't post any spoilers in case some haven't watched it yet.
They interviewed Norman Reedus (Darryl) for the after show 'Talking Dead' and he admitted he cried for an hour before the scene was even shot. Then, they had a character on the show that couldn't keep his/her composure even talking about it.
Ok, from this point on Rick will never trust another human being outside of their group. From now its shoot first don't worry about the questions.
Exactly. Although I was in favor of Tyrese's plan over Rick's, he's still a pussy. And, I haven't read the comics to the point where Negan is introduced, but supposedly, he makes the Governor look like a boy scout.
Yeah he's pretty bad. Constant F bombs....wonder how AMC is gonna clean that up for tv. I always like seeing an actor who plays an awesome antagonist, and I'm stoked to see negan with his bat. Don't know how much truth there is to it, but I read that CM Punk has lobbied Robert Kirkman for the part.