Staying mobile. Unless you've got some sort of perimeter security, like Woodbury or the prison, your best bet is to stay on the move. Fighting a few zombies here and there is safer than holing up and fighting a off a herd.
So, who dies to end the season. Here are my predictions: Team Prison loses: Beth Judith Hershel but adds Tyrese Andrea Tyrese's daughter Team Woodbury loses: The Governor Martinez Milton Numerous citizens of Woodbury.
I know the comics are different, but I'm not sure they'll kill the baby on the show. I think that would turn off a lot of viewers. I'd hate to lose Hershel, but you're probably right about him. I think the prison loses Merle, Hershel, and maybe Michonne. A couple of others are wounded, but survive. I think Woodbury loses The Governor, Martinez, and Andrea. I think Milton will be their new leader.
You may be right, and dealing with the baby may create some interesting plot lines. Trying to hide from zombies with a screaming infant could be difficult. You are also probably right about Merle. If team prison walked away from the war with Rick, Daryl, Tyrese, and Merle that would be too much bad ass.
TWD spent about ten minutes of air time showing us close-ups of Rick-vs-governor stare down. OK, I get it! Two tough guys in a Mexican standoff. Later, when Rick tells Hershel that "we're going to war," I figured that Rick understood the nature of his enemy (utterly treacherous and not to be trusted); then, Rick goes on about possibly sacrificing Michonne. WTF! And the semi-auto taped under the governor's side of the table? They need to case the joint a bit better than that (Trust but Verify). Put one through the governor's good eye already and move on!