I guess AMC didn't want to commit too much to it befire seeubg sine results because of the high production cost. Season 2 is 13 episodes, but is 10 months away.
well hopefully it got a pretty good buzz because I thought it was very entertaining. I am still anxiously awaiting the return of the boondock saints brother, you know the guy who plays an ass in everything he is in that got handcuffed on the roof.
Season finale was excellent. What do you think the scientist whispered to Rick before he and his posse left? Supa--do you know (don't spill the beans, just curious if it was covered in the comic). I am trying to brainstorm about what he could have told Rick that would make him think that death for him and his family was the best option. I initially guessed something about the infection becoming airborne but since they don't know if the infection is viral, bacterial, fungal, etc. they probably can't guess as to if it can become airborne.
Well after the first episode the story drifted from the comics more and more. There were some major elements lifted from the comics, like the zombie attack on the camp, Amy being bitten, Dale and Andrea's bond, and Jim choosing to be left to die after being bitten. Neither The CDC or Edward Jenner were introduced in the comics. Other original elements to the show were the 'el gangstos' (though alot of the comics deal with conflicts with other groups of survivors), Merle and Daryl the redneck brothers, and Rick's continued attempts to communicate with Morgan. All that said, I have a pretty good educated guess as to what Jenner told Rick, but I can't be sure because the show doesn't marry to the comic 100%.
Oooh. That would be interesting. Rick's wife carrying the other guy's baby. Although, I still think it would have to be something more dreadful than that. Something that would make him think that death is preferable for all of his family. I can't see him sacrificing his son because of this.
I really liked the 'el gangstos' episode and Daryl's character, too. Nice to see some good original writing for the series and not just using the best elements of the comics.