How do we know Superman isn't vulnerable to a zombie bite? What if its a Zombie Lex Luthor who was pursuing a career in the rap game and still feared superman so he had an all kryptonite grill put in his mouth. Now he's a zombie with a kryptobite.
no virus has ever infected that large a percent of the population. tops is probably around 80% and that would take years. i know, i know, "but no virus has ever made zombies that want to bite people" welllllll---there is rabies, and you can argue arthropod vectors or plain-old respiratory transmission would be an even more effective method of spread. of course, over time, the virus (didnt the cdc guy say it was a virus?) would mutate to some extent but it would take time, even for fast mutators. I'd take a big, dependable clan down to key west.
I partially disagree. While I think you're right about a cure not being on the foreseeable horizon and the relatively small living population dealing with the zeds like we deal with, oh, I don't know, the common cold right now: It's there, you take the appropriate measures and move on. What I disagree with is that remaining civilization will look like it did in 1000 rather than 2000. Technology and knowledge base didn't disappear just because the dead started munching on the living. Yes, the higher end, cutting edge technology wouldn't be accessible. But at least some of the technology we take for granted -- for example, electricity, voice based land line phones, radio transmission and receiving, internal combustion engines -- are all the place and just waiting to be rebooted, for lack of a better term. We've seen the folks in Woodbury taking advantage of solar panels. I think, in that case, the societies that would thrive would be the ones that would attract a large number of tradespeople -- electricians, mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, etc. So I see society rolling back to about 1930 or so. And, I may have said this before, but I see the series ending with two relatively large (between 750-1,000 troops each) armies -- one led by Rick and the other led by Carl -- facing off in an apocalyptic battle.
I read that there's going to be a new show runner for season 4, as Glen Mazzara (current SR) will leave once the current season is over. Not sure how this will impact the show, but I see it as a positive since I haven't really enjoyed S3 as much as the previous 2. One thing about the new guy, he was the chief writer during the 'Sophia in the barn' arc, so that's a +. Although everyone pretty much knew she was in there. it was still a very powerful moment when revealed.
I though Sunday's episode was one of the best in a long time. It really drove home the futility of the situation. And that poor backpacker...
I agree. It was definitely the best on of season 3. I just wish they could have convinced Morgan to go with them. At the very least, I wish he would have given them more of his arsenal, like the RPG and/or some grenades. Yep, you're right, as long as he has some measure of creative control; which I assume he would since the show is based off of his comic and he is an executive producer.