Yeah, I think you're right on the Woodbury stuff. I've only recently read the comics and the Governor there is nothing like the Governor in the series (at least that we've seen so far). The comic Guv is one psychotic mofo. I also think it's interesting that in both the comic and the TV series there have been three characters associated with the main group that have ended up in Woodbury but only one of those characters is the same in both the comic and the TV series.
That's how I feel about Merle. Was glad he was gone from season 1. Had no idea he'd show up again, but can't wait for him to get his comeuppance.
Yeah me too, and since Merle and Daryl aren't in the books, we have nothing to go on. I hope it's Daryl that finishes him...especially with what he was saying when he was hallucinating after shooting himself with that arrow.
Lets see Merle lied about killing Michone and she is going to be back in the camp... Merles brother is also going to be attacking...who knows but i see Merle dieing soon.
Andrea is OK; her character is the ultimate pragmatist--if she, as a woman, has to shake her tail and wear out a set of knee pads in order to stay in favor and in a safe zone--hey! What's a girl to do?
Cutty from the Cut! Hell yeah!! If a man can survive on the streets of Baltimore he can make it in zombie apocolypse.