AMC accidentally reveals a MAJOR spoiler. While making The Walking Dead: Limited Edition Season 2 Blu-ray available for pre-order on its website, AMC inadvertently revealed a major spoiler this season in the item’s description. ***Do not click the link if you do not want to know what it is...*** AMC accidentally reveals a MAJOR spoiler
Didn't see this one coming. The departed was one of my favorite characters in both the book and on the series.
Really? Maybe he's different in the comics, but he REALLY annoyed me in the series. Take Sunday's episode. The whole group was basically unanimous on what should be done with the 'prisoner' until he went around trying to convince them otherwise. I know Rick ultimately stopped because of Carl, but not before he splintered the group and caused them to 2nd guess what was the right decision. Now (according to the previews), the prisoner has escaped and who knows what's going to happen. It would be against the odds, but he could find his old group and they could come back and overtake the farm.
In a world where everything dear to the human experience is destroyed, and civilization has crumbled into survivalism Dale maintained his humanity. He still saw value in life. He wasn't willing to surrender civilization to an unknown threat. I admired that.
Funny how Dale was the only one trying to save the young prisoner from execution and he winds up getting the bullet to the head instead. Surprised nobody has mentioned that so far.
He did and in better times, it's an admirable quality, but in their current situation, that quality could very well end up getting their women raped and their men killed. They would basically be betting their lives that allowing him into their group or allowing him to leave would have no negative repercussions. That's a risk they can't take, given that he's already tried to kill them in the shootout they had in town and the fact that he went to school with Maggie and knows where the farm is, that's just too big of a risk to take. I actually see both sides of the issue, but tend to err on the side of caution, even if it means giving up a piece of my humanity. In the end, Rick chose to keep him alive for the sake of his son. I just hope it doesn't cost someone else within the group their life.