Man I hope I never run into this place next time I'm down south. I'm working hard to lose the spare tire that my quest to conquer the World Beer Tour at Old Chicago has put around my waist. This would set me back a month or more. Time to hit the gym.
Theoretically, you'd be better off eating BLT fries that eating a BLT with fries. At least you lose the bread. It's funny that I wouldn't consider eating eggs and sausage over fries, but I'd eat them over hash browns in a New York second. In fact, they serve chili over hash browns in Colorado and it ain't bad at all. Maybe its because fries are supposed to be finger food and if you dose them with gravy and toppings you turn it into fork food.
Brocephus, you don't got to go to Colorado to get chili on your hash browns....look no further than Waffle House. Scattered and smothered, playa.
That is for losers. They make bigger pants. Plus those suckers who live all healthy always die young. I eat what the hell I want. If I start to get fat I just swim an extra thousand yards and do a couple extra push ups, then boom Grecian ideal again.
No shit, all this time I thought my golf swing was causing my back problems and I find out it is because I have crappy posture. Try correcting that once 40 is in your rear view mirror.
The 40's are an interesting time, for sure. I exercise all the time, and still, if I sit still for any length of time, I get up limping like an old person!