well to be fair, the kennedy death is one old idiot who did his best to ruin america, while 9/11 is 3 thousand+ good americans. a little mocking of kennedy is not out of order. i feel like celebrity deaths in general always deserve a mocking. maybe. isnt it just that europe in general is just overrun with muslim immigrants, while america has a relative trickle of them arriving? although i do agree that american muslims are good folks, at least the ones i know. irrational lunatics, but no different than your average friendly southern christian.
It is funny how times have changed though.... After Pearl Habor the government rounded up anyone that looked Asian on the westcoast and put them behind wire. After 9/11 it was frowned upon to even look at someone that appeared Muslim with the "your a damn dirty terrorist" look.
I was probably the last person in America to know about the WTC. 9/11/02 was a Tuesday, and I didn't have class until 4:30 on Tuesdays and thursdays, so I stayed up drinking on Monday night, and finally crawled into bed around 6:15. I woke up at 4:15 or so and that is when I found out the world had gone to crap.
Whether you agree with Sabanfan's politics or not, unlike Obama, he speaks the truth. I can only pray that your attitude is not the predominate feeling in America only 8 short years after this outrageous attack. I can only hope that you are not a victim of a future attack while you and your fellow tree huggers are holding hands and joining in singing Kumbaya with your Muslim brothers and sisters. Exactly what do you find ridiculous about somebody wanting the Commander-in Chief to be the leader of this country in maintaining constant vigalence against any possible future terrorist act on our soil? Barrack Hussein Obama dosen't want to do anything to offend his towel headed brethren 8 years and it still seems like yesterday. What are the odds against BHO actually catching or killing Osama? Or would that be considered a politically incorrect action over there in Muslimville? As a devout Muslim Osama probably dosen't drink beer but maybe Obama will invite Osama to the White house for a hashish summit meeting while Michelle entertains Osama's wives. The radical Muslim faction is very, very, very patient. There is no doubt in my mind that they are planning some future atrocity and that we allow ourselves to drop our guard that they will strike. How many of you put your trust in the Obama administration taking all the steps necessary to prevent it?
All through the campaign Obama promised that he would get us out of Iraq and he would pursue the evil OBL into Afghanistan where the real terrorists and 9/11 perps live. Now, the generals want 30 or 40,000 more troops to do the job right. Dems will fight this tooth and nail, Let's see Barack put his money where his mouth is. If he goes with the generals, he moves up a notch in my opinion of him. If he panders to the left, well, my opinion cannot go any lower.
Maybe you should read my response again and not assume you know what I am talking about. I dont have a problem with the President being ready to fight terrorism, I find it silly that I even have to explain this to you. But since you inaccurately commented, I'll humor you. This thread was about remembering people who died on 9/11, not politics in my opinion. Im sorry you feel the need to try to win points by mischaracterizing my statement. And I dont take anyone serious who still perpetuates falsehoods that the President is a muslim. You probably would have a little more credibility if you wouldnt pander lies.
As much as I don't care for the current administration, is it really necessary to inject politics into a rememberence thread, especially when it was specifically created outside of FSA.
On his second day in office he authorized a missile strike in Pakistan that killed 20 terrorists. You don't know what you are talking about. Ignorance is showing here. This ignorance is astonishing. Why would we not? The notion that Obama is somehow muslim and soft on terrorists is IG...NOR...ANT.
Very late to the party here, I know but was suprised no one wrote anything in regard to a possible false flag operation or at least some level of government complicity. To believe the government line on this particular story seems suprising....... Out of respect to those that lost their life maybe the conspiracy theorists are simply remaining quiet? In any case I don't buy this one nor do I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.....and while I'm on it here isn't if fairly common knowledge that the US government knew in advance about Pearl Harbor? Well, I don't believe Les Miles' injury reports and I don't believe the government when they say they are here to protect me....
So your a conspiracy theorist are ya? opcorn: At risk of highjacking a thread that shouldn't be hijacked, I will say this thread isn't the place for this discussion. If you like go start one in Free Speech Alley and there will be plenty of people who will be glad to debate you on your theories. That is all.