Yea. I can't grasp the nuances of a total generalization hillbilly. You are probably white and have a small penis too.
It's just funny. For years republicans haves screamed about generalizations on republicans for women's rights, racism, gays etc and are completely being hipocritocal towards trump. The more people attack his base the deeper the hole. Enjoy the melt. Trump 2016!
Not sure what other conclusion I can draw. Good one. So which is it? Are you still not a Trump supporter? Or are you one of his biggest supporters on this board?
I'd rather have Trump win the nomination than any of the other stooges on the right save Kaisich maybe. President Trump say it with me... President Trump. Lol
You are probably to smart to understand this but I will try nonetheless. Somewhere along the line the Republican Party was hijacked by elitest jackles. You guys are being spoon fed Robo Rubio and call everyone else idiots. During the past few decades. Rupbilcans saw fit to not only define what is morally right, but how people should live. Take the Romney 40% comment. As if paying taxes means you now have access to freedom. Freedom is not something you unlock by paying taxes or going to elite schools. We are free to be smart, dumb, work, drink all day, or do burnout sin in the name of freedom. YOU DONNOT GET TO DICTATE HOW PEOPLE LIVE. Democrats have been running circles around us for years over this. Even in this thread y'all will repeat the so called "intelligent" life long republican servents talking points totally ignoring that they have been wrong for decades. The support of trump is an outright rejection of your failed party; for good measure.
I can agree with a lot of this, its not spot on but it is close. The premise of the statement is what really holds the water. The problem is they are rejecting the party for someone who couldn't be farther away from what it is supposed to be. The failure of a trump presidency is going to be fucking catastrophic and I almost can't wait to tell you all about it.
I can get with that as well, if we were talking about a forest, we instead are talking about our country and the future of it. There may not be a 2nd chance. Trump is exactly what I pointed to earlier, an educated idiot.