Any hotels around college drive and Acadian are pretty good. If you are in college like myself, I would go to The Chimes to eat, Its right outside of the North Gates of campus. TJ Ribs is also a good place to eat, and the home of the 1958 Heisman Trophy. WALKON's is walking distance from Alex Box and has AWESOME food and a cool sports feel. Tigerland has about 5 bars in a square area....thats prob where you want to go out (It has Freds, Dublins, Sports, Rotolo's, and TigerBar) . Its a 2 min drive from Alex Box. Enjoy your stay in Baton Rouge.
1. Stay away from College drive, unless you like traffic. 2. Find the cheapest hotel and book it (you won't spend much time there anyway) 3. Eat and drink at the Chimes 4. Tailgate several hours before the game 5. After the game, grab some beer and head to New Orleans (sleep optional) 6. Return to Alex Box for game 2
I would recommend getting a couple of drinks at Chelsea's. The waitresses aren't knockouts, but they are cute as hell.
Shouldn't College Drive just implode? Dont drink coffee and go near that place. How much are the Casino Hotels? Seems like you could get a deal there for less than say the Radisson.
definitely tailgate a good 7-8 hours before the game... the combination of Aggie and Tiger fans for a weekend should make for some hellacious tailgating!! I'll be out in the Death Valley parking lots around 10 am for the 7 pm start on Saturday... LET'S GET IT ON!!
What is the Aggie equivalent to the Tiger Forum :tigbas: can you give me the website for the A & M equivalent of this forum. Thanks. :geaux:
you can go to,,, Beware though texags has alot of traffic and with that there will be some *******s on that board esp. the rivalries forum.
Stay somewhere around college. Don't sweat it. College drive isnt all that bad anymore. Granted- from 4 - 6 pm on a weekday evening it can be hellacious. But from sat thru monday it won't be all that bad, especially considering the advantages of its proximity to everywhere you could ever want to go. The recent changes have made a difference and the flow isnt all that bad. It can be intimidating, but in reality you can get where you want to go pretty quickly. Definitely go out in Tigerland. It can be fun. Just for real do not where A&M clothes or you really might get into trouble. I mean it. OR... If you like live music, The Caterie, On the corner of Acadian and Perkins always has a good band playing and a friendly college crowd (the same thing cannot be said about any bar in tigerland, where no matter who you are or how friendly you are you are always subject to a good ass beating by large groups of drunken insecure fraternity juiced up boys) For food. A good quick and cheap meal is always found at Raising Canes. for 5 bucks you can get the best chicken fingers around. It is really popular and is on the corner of highland and state i think. Chimes is a must. Also we have a Mc Donalds. It is very nice. Don't go over 65 on the long basin bridge. It has been crawling with cops recently. If you like boudin get off at the Scott/Cankton exit just before you get to Lafayette. turn left and then a mile ahead or so on the left is the Best Stop. Has the best Boudin around, but be prepared for a little wait cuz theres always a line. Umm thats all I can think of. Have fun we are nice people but watch out for the a**holes. And we, along with Lafayette and Hollywood have the hottest girls in the world.