NCAA Football Elite 8 Playoff /w Results.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by NCAAF Fan, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    thats because they beat your BEASTLY team just two years ago.
  2. Speedy G

    Speedy G Founding Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    I even underlined it for you. Either:

    "they" is replacing "Tigers", or
    "they" is replacing "USC."

    The context did not clearly reveal the pronoun usage.

    Either way, it was a dumb statement, which perhaps you now realize, given that
    has now evolved into
    So, here you are, on an LSU board the day after they win the national championship, telling their fans that their team would get embarrassed by USC.

    Wow. Have a nice day. :wave:
  3. LSUTyga73

    LSUTyga73 Football Connoisseur

    Sep 22, 2004
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    So USC would win because they're beastly?

    If you weren't trying to belittle the championship you would not have posted this. Your actions do not back up your words. It's like that thing where if you say "with all due respect" before an insult it suddenly makes it okay. The point has already been made, no sense in trying to sugarcoat it.
  4. NCAAF Fan

    NCAAF Fan Freshman

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Removed everything.

    Maybe you guys shouldn't freak out over something like this, I thought as football fans you guys would appreciate the time I took.

    And maybe it wouldn't hurt you guys to admit you got LUCKY that you didn't play USC(or UCLA :-D) in the title game.

    Farewell, and congrats on the title.
  5. Sexybeast

    Sexybeast Freshman

    Dec 1, 2007
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    I know I am a new poster here, but I've been lurking for quite sometime and I don't want to come across as a rude LSU fan or step on the toes of any of the posters that have been here awhile but....

    Will you trolls please go away at least for a few days. The pro USC/UGA trolls have goten old. Please return to your bridge and Pac 10 message boards and let us, as fans, enjoy our National Title win for a bit and discuss our team not your crappy UCLA or USC (whatever you are a fan of) or your riduclous NCAA playoff (Just a note the AI this year sucks and its not really a great simulator as the AI does not make the adjustments a live coach would make i.e Crazy Les)

    oh yeah about the beastly scary USC... great teams win games no matter what the adversity is, underdogs or injuries or whatever and don't make excuses and honestly who did they play that is a challenge to thier greatness as is bestowed upon them as the choosen of college football ASU, OU, Cal???

    Please go home and stare at your meaningless Rose Bowl trophy which you won by beating and over ranked Illinios in an attempt to do exactly what is happening now which is to pump them up as a National Contender.

    Believe it or not I am actually a nice guy just so frustrated over the last few weeks with the trolls.
    :crystal: :geaux: :crystal: ​
  6. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    now find another site, condoment.
  7. LSUTyga73

    LSUTyga73 Football Connoisseur

    Sep 22, 2004
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    Next time go share with your USC buddies. Of course, they don't need you to know how great they are, they just have to watch ESPN.
  8. daveeb

    daveeb Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Hey guys, for the record, you can bash on tOSU all you want for not being as strong against the SEC. It is true. We are one the weakest Big Ten team against the SEC. We are just bad against them. It's true.

    But, vs. Oklahoma, we are 1-1 (The loss being a 29-28 loss in '77, and a 24-14 win in '83). Take away Cooper's early years, and we are 9-9-1 against USC. We are 2-0 against West Virginia (Granted, they are a lot better now). We have never played Va Tech. Never played Kansas, but 10-1-1 against Missouri (Granted, they are a lot better now).

    Overall, we have done well against the Pac-10, smashed the Big 12 (2-0 against Nebraska, 1-1 against Texas, 4-0 against Texas A&M, 1-0 against Kansas State, 2-0 against Texas Tech), and done well against the Big East.

    All depends on matchups. And, needless to say, the SEC has a really good one against our teams.
  9. TigerFan90

    TigerFan90 Too far away from home

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Beastly? So you went and saw USC play, huh? :lol: When was the last time you went to an SEC game?

    Dude, you are a pac-10 homer. I have a professional relationship with UCLA. I generally like the school and the people. But with Karl Dorrell, this Program was going nowhere. If LSU showed in Pasadena and ran all over your ass, you'd be impressed as well.

    As others have said, you are here to pee in our cornflakes. Save it. But being the typical west coaster you probably are, you simply won't be able to shut your mouth and show some respect to us, especially on the morning after our tremendous win.

    Sour grapes all the way, man. Good luck in your Pac-1 conference. Hell, Oregon is a better Program than UCLA by now. Freaking Oregon, man. :huh: Wow. :LSU231:

    Hey, daveeb, we don't have any problems with the Big-10, generally speaking. You guys deserved to be in this game. Had USuCk taken care of business and not lost to STANFORD, they could have and probably would have been there. Scroo 'em.
  10. TigerFan90

    TigerFan90 Too far away from home

    Dec 3, 2003
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    You thought we would appreciate you coming in here and telling us that USC would beat us in the MNC? And you think we should be glad that we didn't draw USC in the MNC or any bowl for that matter? I've got news for you, pal, every member here would relish a matchup with USC and we have been dying to see it since 2003.

    You're an idiot. Go away.

    Can I go "yat" on this guy and curse this MFer out, please? :hihi:


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