I haven't beaten BYU vs. SMU either. You have to score 22 pts in about 2 minutes or something like that. Ridiculous. I'm just glad they don't have "The Play".
You have to do a what with the what? I just got xbox and the game, so I'm lost here. I knew you could do something like this. Can you take it a little slower for those of us that are, well... dumb.
The key is kicking a high pooch kick on the kickoff, and then knocking the shit out of the returner as soon as the ball gets there. Then just scoop it up and run in for 6. I tried probably 30 times before I thought about doing this, and after I thought about it, I think it took 2 tries.
Its just a thing that connects your xbox or PS2 to the computer to transfer save files back and forth. There are a few people on the net that add everyones names, adjust ratings, and create some ommitted players. Then they post it for download so you can transfer it from your PC back to the xbox or ps2. A friend of mine and I are working on cracking the roster save file for the PS2 version so that we can change players position and year to make the SEC rosters 100% accurate. Its taking longer than I thought it would, but we are making progress.
I hate how the CPU simulates games at 15 minute quarters so your stats look very weak playing 3-5 minute quarters compared to the rest of the nation. "This offense has trouble moving the football" "Forget about the endzone. They can't even get into the red zone" :cuss:
The only way I could win the BYU/SMU game is to put it on jv and turn off th penalties. then when you do an onside kick, you can kick it as short as you want.
Anybody remember "electric football" ? For those of you who don't, it was fooball field made of metal. The players were on stands and you could adjust their paths by manipulating the base they were on. Turning the game on caused the field to vibrate which in turn caused the players to move. I couldn't play very ong because my family could only stand the sound of the field vibrating for so long. Its amazing how technology has changed just about everything and every aspect of life.
Can't believe we had so much fun playing that game when we were kids but it was more my speed. I tried playing the X box with my boy a few times and gave up, he works the controls so fast I can't even read the screen, little bastard. The old vibration game did have strategy though and positioning was extremely important.
Yeah, I remember "lectric football". Annoyed my parents so much that I never got to plug the damned thing in....instead, my friends and I would tap the "field" with our fingers to make it vibrate....until one of us got pissed off and slammed a fist on the field and sent the players flying like a bunch of plastic popcorn kernels. I also remember the little felt "footballs". Just how in the hell were you supposed to complete a pass anyways? Remember the "quarterback"? had the "7" looking thing on its backside supposedly to make it "kick" and "throw" the "ball"?
Remember the one "player" that no matter what you did or how you manipulated his base, would only do one thing.......donuts at the line of scrimmage??? LMMFAO. Also remembering the variable control in the "end zone" that would control the vibrations....and turning it up until all players started flopping around like they were having epileptic seizures.