The fans are a disgrace in Detroit. Fred Jones went into the stands to try to get Jackson and Artest out of there and some big black dude just starts pounding on him in the back of the head. A fan threw a chair at Jermaine O'Neal when he was exiting, a fan threw a bottle at a ref who was just standing there on the court, and of course they threw beer, popcorn, whatever they could get their hands on when the Pacers were leaving the court.
I'd rather watch Argentina vs. Italy or maybe Lithuania vs. Greece than these bunch of overpayed no shooting apes .
i was listening on the radio and i heard this might get racial since, artest went into the stands and hit a white guy. but artest definitely had no right to go into stands, he should have acted like a professional and just ignored the fans. there's definetily gonna be come lawsuits here
thugs and morons....agreed. :angry: The NBA lost me a long time ago. I don't recognize the game anymore. They leave the floor at half court, take a half dozen steps before slammin' and no travel called. The fouls are ridiculous. I think it's pretty obvious who the NBA is pandering to.....and, it ain't me.
I don't know if anyone remembers when Calvin Klein walked onto the floor at MSG three years ago and said a few words to sprewell as he was waiting to inbound the ball. Well, that action precipitated NYC to enact a new law called the "calvin klein law" which essentially enforces mandatory jail time of 30 days for anyone who walks onto a court or field during a professional game in NYC. the first victim was some dude at a mets game this season who ran onto the field with a howard stern sign. normal working dude without a criminal record but couldn't get out of his sentence due to the harsh mandatory jail time. I have a feeling this may precipitate similar laws in NBA cities. remember the white trash father/son buffoons who ran onto comiskey field and attacked the 1st base caoch a few years back? Point is, alchohol is usually the culprit and something needs to be done. IMO, Artest should be (and may be) suspended for the rest of the season. you do not attack a fan, period. let the cops take care of the fan. I also think as the result of his comments a week ago about wanting to take off some time off from his job, to finish his rap album (gimme a frickin break), he is now sounding very prophetic. could you imagine wlaking into your bosses office and requesting something so selfish and idioitic? guys like artest are bad for the NBA which has really turned into a thug league. does anyone remember what joey belle's punishment was for running into the stands with his bat after that MSU fan that was hollering racial epithets at him?
I was watching the game on tv when this happened. No excuse for the fans who acted badly and they should face the criminal justice system for this, but no way should Artest and Jackson have gone into the stands. What artest should have done after getting hit by the cup was to stand up and point the guy out to the police and security. This is Artest's fault. He should have stayed on the court and identified the man who threw the cup at him instead of running into the stands. Looks like he threw a Right then slipped on a beer! That fat boy got cocked
I prefer women's basketball over the NBA. Why people pay those outrageous prices to go see a bunch of overpaid thugs is beyond me.