I saw about 5 seconds of it. I saw the part where the guy was on the court trying to stand up to Artest. I can here his thought process now... "I can take that guy Artest he aint that big...ite my boys are gonna love this...here we g....aw **** this guy is HUGE! DUCK DUCK! MAKE THEM STOP MAKE THEM STOP!!!!"
if you own some of that really high quality audio/visual equipment in your house, I think you can actually hear him say pretty much what you just said. lol.
Oh I agree, the fans are totally accountable. But clocking a guy? I mean that is way, way over the line. These guys are held to a higher standard. Say what you want about them being "normal guys," but they are paid so much money to perform that when something like this happens, they need to realize that clocking something a foot shorter than you isn't the right hting to do... I am probably overreacting on Artest because I truly hate him, but I still think he was wrong for nailing that guy...
I didn't see Artest get much of a hit on that first guy. But Steven Jackson sure did on the 2nd guy who threw a beer, and deservedly so. You're watching these big ass NBAers coming at the first guy and you say to yourself, "I think I will throw my beer too". He deserved to be clocked, believe me.
i figure any guy who comes on the court deserves a beating, and the same thing goes for any player who goes in the stands. i am trying to watch this whole fight, but instead espn is showing stromile scoring like a madman. go stro!
Can't wait for the stupid f*cking lawsuits. Can you imagine that stupid ass fans like these potentially could get paid lots of money just for (probably) being drunk at a sporting event?
The short fat guy that ran on the court then got decked will probably bring home the most cash. What was he thinking trying to start chit with Artest? Then O'Neal clocked him.
Yep, a few of those fans are going to have a lot more money in their bank accounts in the next few months.
fights are awesome, i woulda loved to have been there. i like when people who are drunk enough to fight actually get their wish and get beaten senseless. it sucks when people who had no part of the fight get hurt, but its rarely anything serious. i loved that punch of the fat guy who game on the court. o'neal clocked that dude, it was awesome. i guess another bad thing about fight is there is always some cheap mofo who is gonna hit you from behind while you are down. when fights happen, you gotta just sit back and enjoy the show. cheap shotters always ruin fights for everyone.