Navy SEALs were murdered

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by uscvball, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    I suppose it wouldn't be the first time. I can be obsessive on certain points. :) I will ask you one specific question again which you haven't answered. If someone's service capacity has been to capture and interrogate (read, torture) or eliminate HVT's (in very high numbers), and your records are sealed, what do they put on their resume?

    Actually, I find the arguments for either theory to be less than completely logical. There is no more "proof" for OD than there is for intentional homicide. A toxicology report will do nothing to change that. Both Shane, and a former Kennedy workout partner/Navy reservist have both said they don't buy the OD story. I assume both would be more valid sources than I am so there is that. I'm not pissed though. What would be the point in that? I have convictions as do you. The clash of those has resulted in solid and interesting conversation.

    Mostly I am sad for these men and their families. They all deserve better.
  2. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Gathering? How about dispersing? Brennan was coordinating (IMO) and dispersing arms to groups that were Al Qaeda affiliates. That wouldn't look too good, would it? The occurrences at that facility were warnings for Stevens et al to stop but ultimately, there was retaliation. They fight among themselves and are constantly battling for financing and arms. The US stirs the pot.

    I think he chose to stay based on what he believed was promised. I don't think even Hillary knew everything but certainly more than she has admitted to.
  3. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    He was supplying weapons to jihadist, at the request of the State dept. so they could help overthrow the Assad regime in Syria. Same thing the pro-Russian guys are doing in Ukraine for Putin.
    Kind of like the Iran-Contra scandal.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Even I have skills and experiences that I don't put on my vita. We all do. You put in what makes you marketable. If I was a Special Ops vet I would put . . .
    • Twenty years of specialized work with increasing levels of responsibility and leadership roles.
    • Capability to supervise personnel and the ability to receive broad guidelines from superiors to create detailed instructions for subordinates.
    • Highly skilled technical training and field experience in electronics, communications, emergency medicine, GPS, computers, driving, boat handling and equipment maintenance.
    • Extensive field experience involving survival skills, emergency preparedness, orienteering, hiking, physical training, and endurance.
    • Advanced responsibilities in the safe handling of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, and radioactive materials.
    • Highly specialized skills in skydiving, swimming, scuba diving, rock climbing, rappelling, and skiing.
    • Management of people, equipment, schedules, budgets, and risks.
    • Close familiarity and experience using helicopters, aircraft, tactical vehicles, radar, technical manuals, and night-vison equipment.
    • Long record of maintaining some of the highest security clearances and safeguarding proprietary information.
    • Extensive and specialized technical training and continuing education coursework.
    • lot's more . . . you get the drift.

    You don't say that you capture, interrogate, and torture enemy combatants. You say . . .
    • Special capabilities in personnel selection, interviews, and handling of shy or nervous candidates.

    You don't say that you kill high-value targets in large numbers. You say . . .
    • Distinguished track record in accomplishing special missions, serving in extreme conditions, and effectively performing unusual duties and tasks.
    I could write a friggin' resume that would get Shane a job teaching Kindergarten. I could get SabanFan a job as a Sensitivity Trainer.
    shane0911 likes this.
  5. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Add this at the end:

    If you want to eliminate the competition then I'm your man.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    He was gathering MANPADS and dispersing arms, but not to Al Qaeda. Arms to Syrian rebels were delivered to commanders who have been vetted by the CIA, and the path of the weaponry is tracked through trusted parties within the country.

    The CIA director doing his job to render covert assistance to Syrian rebels should not be surprising. Not all of the Syrian opposition is islamist and we are working with the ones who are not.

    I think he knew more about the situation than anybody and took a calculated risk. The wrong one it turns out.

    The key state department decisions in Benghazi were made at the ambassador level and below. After the fact, Obama and Hillary jumped to the conclusion that it was another of the many ongoing "Prophet" protests gone violent. But that is a simple error, quickly fixed, not a conspiracy. Neither Obama nor Clinton had any motive to get an ambassador killed. The CIA, which is always reticent to reveal what they are doing, failed to inform them what they knew in a timely fashion. The whole situation in Benghazi was chaotic and fluid, leading to Steven's own warning to his staff. I think the Libyan diplomats jumped the gun getting in there while the CIA was still engaging in covert activities and the Marines were not yet in charge of security.

    Trying to turn a tragic situation and a simple communication error after the fact into some kind of "scandal" has just been transparent political hackery. It's hurting the GOP more than it is hurting Hillary.
  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Nicely done amigo, I will be looking for you should I need a job in the future.
  8. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    And then performance is required. I don't know too many jobs that require a Willie Pete expert or someone who knows how to DB Cooper.

    I know how to b.s. a resume and how to see through a b.s. resume but I admire your skill. And thank you for some great civil debate.
  9. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    That is all nice and tidy and what was reported. IMO, Brennan was supplying arms to folks in the Muslim Brotherhood and a few other factions to keep the infighting going. Absolutely he was supplying arms to Al Qaeda factions. Trade-offs.

    He probably did know a lot but I don't believe for one second that he either wrote a diary or that it would be casually thrown on the floor of that facility. Purposeful misinformation....a CIA trademark. And IMO, he was promised something that never materialized.

    I put it all on Brennan and I don't think PBO nor Hillary knew all what he was doing. I think she was pissed and for me, it came through in her testimony. Still, she behaved poorly, didn't handle the situation good enough (for me anyway) and asking "what does it matter" was the epitome of self-centered victimhood. I hated her for it.

    For the President, I have found it a hallmark of his time in office to either pretend not to be informed or he really isn't informed....that way he can claim total "I don't know" when the shit hits the fan.
    gyver likes this.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    We are on opposite sides of this one.

    @red55 gave you a generic version of what can go on a resume but believe me, there are places that can jazz it up a lot more than what he did, bend it right to whatever the employer is looking for. For you to say that these guys can't find work in the real world is sort of doing them a disservice. They are educated, accomplished, capable and highly adaptable. Don't be so quick to sell them short. After all, just think of how well a "Willie Pete Expert" would be able to handle the everyday office drama of who's wife is screwing the guy in 4C? There is a lot to be said for "real world" problem solving in business these days. Yes, they may have taken out X'# of HVT's or whatever but ultimately that is up to them how they handle it. The guys that I know, from the outside looking in would have no problem with it. That isn't to say they wouldn't need some type of help but again, that is up to them and only theam. It isn't something that can be forced or "ordered".

    I admire your patriotism and love for our SF guys. They are truly an invaluable part of our military. They are human and as @red55 said they are prone to make the not so great decisions. It happens, even to our heroes.

    Hell I know a guy that went to selection with a life saver shoved up his ass with dental floss tied onto it that said "emergency rations"

    He caught a lifetime of hell for it but guess what? He got selected. All about people and people are never predictable.

    I still don't believe the OD story and I doubt we will ever know the truth but that is also part of the game when you get in bed with snakes.

    I don't have to tell you that our Gov't is not to be trusted. I guess I'm just trying to let you know that these guys, as awesome as they are... are still human at the end of the day.

    I still don't believe either of them OD'd on their own choosing.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2014
    gyver likes this.

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