The topic starter for this sounds like a big cry baby...get over it...lsu is not ranked number the world gives you something to gain...i wouldnt wanna start out at number 1...then you have no goal to reach...then you have to hang out to it week in and week out...and who the hell cares if usc has all the national doesnt have to play the games...get over it
I can't believe my eyes What a defeatist attitude you have - you make me want to PUKE! "I don't want to be #1 because then everyone will be gunning for us! Oh Dear!" I bet you are the type that never go to the games, and leave early if you do. Hell, I bet you even sit down to pee, Peter Pan! USC was referred to as the "defending national champions" in their game vs. VA. TECH and if that doesn't bother you a little, then you probably jumped on the bandwagon with a game or two to go last year. I bet you're even open to the idea of putting one in your mouth, with your "get over it" and "whatever" generation x attitude. Maybe to you're just too stupid to know that the national media and several other states ridicule Louisiana. I'm not a Blanco fan, but she's got more balls then several of you in here. :lsug: :champs: :laflagwav
We should never the forget that Mike Archer made a fool of himself by complaining about the Tigers ranking. He won two bowls and an SEC championship as LSU head coach with Bill Arnspargers recruits. Before the 1989 season he loudly (and publicly) complained that the #4 pre-season national ranking for LSU was too low. He finished the year at 4-7 followed by a 5-6 and was fired, beginning LSU's six-year losing streak. Pre-season #1 don't mean squat. We finally got a coach who understands that. Most of the fans do ,too. :champs:
We return 13 starters. USC returns 12, Oklahoma returns 19, Georgia returns 16, Michigan returns 13, Texas returns 14, Florida State returns 13, Miami returns 10. The only teams that clearly do not have to deal with this are Oklahoma and Georgia. Otherwise, everyone is about even. I do agree with the respect thing, though. Its getting old.
good points, but other than possibly Michigan, LSU is the only team to lose it's starting QB and top receiver. I am glad to see that others on this board are also tired of hearing about the lack of respect.
If we are good enough to be number one then we will be so by seasons end. Yeah the whole respect thing sucks but at least we are ranked higher than last season, it just makes it a little bit easier when we only have to move up like one or two spots instead of a hell of a lot more. We will gain respect on the field not in here.