Nate Harris (LB from Miami area) will be on roster this Fall

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by The Big Bengal, Jul 8, 2003.

  1. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Re: There are some things in life...

    Charles Manson didn't deserve a second chance. Neither did Derek Todd Lee, Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Daumer. Maybe you have always been so perfect that you never needed a second chance when you were 19 like Harris. I can only Thank God for the people who gave me a second chance when I was a kid and did things that could have landed me in prison. Did you ever fuck up bigtime? Did your Dad or a teacher or a coach ever give you a shot at redeeming yourself? And no, I am not a wishy-washy liberal apologist. I am a gun toting right winger.

    "I turned 21 in prison doin' life without parole, no one could steer me right but Mama tried, Mama tried, Mama tried to raise me better but her pleadin' I denied, that leaves no one but me to blame but Mama tried" - Merle Haggard
  2. NOSA

    NOSA Founding Member

    Jun 15, 2003
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    Re: There are some things in life...

    Would if he's a COMPLETELY different person now? He still doesn't deserve a chance because he screwed up in the past? You don't know what this kid is like right now so I don't how you can judge him and say this is a mistake.
  3. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    He cant be half as bad as Cecil Collins.......
  4. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    If he is only half as bad as Cecil Collins and half as good a player we got a bargain.
  5. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Even if he is half as good a player as Cecil The Deisel he would still be ALL-SEC. Ol Deisel would have been All-American with Heisman potential but of course he pissed it away:sob: AND he still made it to the NFL even with his screwing around at the 1AA level.
  6. Re: There are some things in life...

    Thought that Nate Harris drove the car but wasn't the one who was armed.

    If he was armed and only received a sentence in a boot camp for a year, what is worse: Saban extending him a chance or the Florida legal system?
  7. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Yeh, does someone have a link or something to what actually happened. I dont think he was armed or even in the robbery. From what I read he was just in the getaway car.
    I have already said my peace about my opinion, but I am curious what exactly happened.
    What was his exact conviction. Lets not guess what it was. If he was convicted of Armed Robbery, I hate to tell you but 1 year would have not been the sentence. It would have 10-15.

    Was he just in the wrong place, or make a bad decision to say "Where you going, can I go"

    Bottom line from what I understand he was just in the car but not armed or part of the robbery...

    I may be wrong, I just want a fact.
  8. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    If he could have stayed straight he would have won the RB in college since Bo or Herschel.
  9. louisiana tiger

    louisiana tiger Freshman

    Jul 5, 2003
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    I hope this is not trouble for Nick--I know he knows what he is doing and not my job to second guess him..I got a feeling Harris has been told one misstep and you will be gone buddy.. No questions asked

    By the way does anyone know what happened to Pope? He could have been All SEC this year:geaux: :lsug: :geaux: :)
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