Nate Harris (LB from Miami area) will be on roster this Fall

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by The Big Bengal, Jul 8, 2003.

  1. texascajun

    texascajun Founding Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Great thread. This guy gives me a quesy feeling in my stomach. But, like it or not this guy is a tiger now. So the best thing we can do is accept it because he isn't going anywhere unless SABAN decides so. You don't have to like it. We can only hope this guy is thankful for a shot at redemption and proves his worth. Doesn't Saban like the college game better because he can help make young adults into good people thru positive example and leadership? Nate, I hope you can makes proud that you are a tiger because down here being a tiger is SERIOUS BIDNESS. But, more importantly I hope with this second chance you make your family proud of what kind of person you can become.
  2. TigerLifer3

    TigerLifer3 Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Re: Re: Re: rationalize all we want, but..

    LMAO @ YOU its fun getting on your nerves, btw I don't even cut my own grass we hire ppl to do that for us. Btw I rather cut grass then hearing you say can I take your order please at the drive through at the local fast food joint.
    1 person likes this.
  3. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    This is probably a stupid question, but did Saban actually extended a Scholarship offer to Harris? Or would Harris simply be a Walk-on addition to the football team, as many reports suggest so far?

    Seems like a lot of nothing at this point. Harris hasn't seen a football field in what 2 years? Realistically, IF he is allowed to practice with LSU's Football team, when would he be able to make any noise in LSU's LBer corp or on the Football field?

    Last year 75% of the Arkansas Defensive Backfield Starters (Richardson, Hamlin & Carroll) who played against LSU, had been already arrested, some multiple times, with ZERO Games missed. Tim Pope would be Starting at Arkansas now. Therein lies the difference. And we are talking 1 LBer who never went to college, did go to Boot Camp, and "May" someday work his way onto the field in Tiger Stadium?
    1 person likes this.
  4. Ole War Skule

    Ole War Skule Founding Member

    Sep 10, 2002
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    Re: Re: Re: Re: rationalize all we want, but..

    I know what you mean, my kids used to enjoy that also when they were younger. Now that there're in grade school, they don't enjoy it as much.

  5. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2001
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    Let's try to stay on subject guys and keep the name-calling and personal jabs at a minimum.
  6. Ole War Skule

    Ole War Skule Founding Member

    Sep 10, 2002
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    you're right....sorry for the rude comments.
  7. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2001
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    No problem Ole War Skule. We're all passionate and it happens.
  8. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    Simple question that may be stupid or I've overlooked it.

    So this guy was picked up for being associated/involved with this robbery or whatever it was. Was the guy ever convicted? Were the charges dropped? What was the all-end result? If it was the latter, then what's the bitchin about? So he ran with the wrong people and got caught hopefully it taught him a lesson. If he was convicted then stupid move by letting him on the team.

    If this guy is a shady character you can damn well bet Saban will treat him like the Fl kid last year, Tim Pope. Short leash and if you mess up you're gone. That said, a friend of mine had some current players working at his co. last summer......I'll hold names out. My friend said that the players told him that Tim Pope was going to be awesome and the coaches gave him his chances but he couldn't stay straight so he was gone.
    1 person likes this.
  9. NOSA

    NOSA Founding Member

    Jun 15, 2003
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    Some of you guys are unbelievable. I personally don't see the big deal in this. I mean no I don't want 20 people on the team with a backround like this but geez it's one guy. If he screws up he's gone. Pope messed up and is gone what big harm did he do? I don't see how Harris would be much different. Personally I believe in second chances but I guess some don't.
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  10. BigJ4LSU

    BigJ4LSU Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    Saban knows what he's doing so I'm sure Saban has decided that the kid has good enough character to take a chance on. Yea the kid f'd up by hanging around idiots but you'd be surprised how situations like that turn ugly real quick I'm sure there wasn't a whole lot he could do about it, its not like they were planning on robbing the dude. From what I hear it was a game of dice or something that turned ugly. It may have been out of Harriss's control he just reacted. The truth is NONE OF US KNOW. So quit judging the kid since we do not know the situation. Now why was he hanging out with the kids? Well they were probably people he hung out with all of his life due to the neighborhood he grew up in, it's hard to tell someone just to turn his back on people he grew up with. Maybe now that he's starting over in a new city it'll get him away from alot of those bad influences. Saban gave him a chance so hopefully he makes the most out of it and kicks some ass in the classroom and on the field.

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