sourdough do you really care about this? i dont know, i just cant be bothered by minor scandals and abuses, regardless of party.
It bugs me a bit Martin. It is just another example of the waste of money and politiclal elitism in Washington DC.
I pretty much agree with Krypto on this one. I live my life but at the same time the abuse of power and money bother me. What bothers me more than this is the arrogance and the standard of living for the party in power right now when the country is bankrupt. They act like they have an endless supply of money. I really don't think you or anyone understand just how much our taxes are going up over the next few years or the decline in standard of living that could happen in this country over the next few years. I don't think things are going to get much better in this country anytime soon. I hope I'm wrong on this one!
Now that I walked away and thought about it a little more. I am really upset as if you couldn't tell in some of my posts lately about the amounts of money that are being spent by the party in power. I honestly don't know how this country will survive financially in the future. Who is going to be able to help us out in the future because we won't have the money to help ourselves much less other countries.
I heard a story about a politician that I don't like. It sounds silly and I can't find out if it's true. I won't check Snopes because fact-checking never enters my brain. But that doesn't matter, I'm going to start a thread about it like it was a fact and be outraged anyway. And how can anybody possibly defend such an outrage, even if its not true?
Did you open Rex_B's link? Pelosi is deserving of criticism and vile ridicule just for waking up each morning.
Oh look its Mr. Moderate, liberal LSU guy!:rolleye33: I thought you quit? Anyway your act bores me, everyone knows you attacked Bush and the Republicans for everything they did including spending and yet you are silent on the spending of the Obama administration. Leave it up to Red to stick up for Pelosi!:rofl: You hardly have any room to talk. Seriously!:rofl:
i agree with you about this part, which is why i cant summon up any concern about the plane thing. true, which is why this particular story is not a concern. pelosi is terrible in so many ways, this one is a relatively minor thing, even if true. i once saw a comitte meeing where she called for anti trust hearings on opec, as if she sincerely didnt understand that opec was not an american company. if memory serves she was also in favor of the fairness in media thing, i forgot what is called, the equal time thing, yunno the nation ruiner.
Sure, but SDM didn't. No one has reported this except bloggers who don't cite any sources. Rant to your hearts content. What I object to is people making up stories to complain about.