Name your replacement for Brady...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSUtiger327, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. TGer'nLHornLand

    TGer'nLHornLand Founding Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    While I'm not saying you're wrong, what do you have to say he was offered? Was he contacted? Probably. Was he given the "would you be interested if offered?" talk? Probably. But, with the LSU AD about to be named next week, there's probably some delay due to the differing contingencies at LSU influencing this decision.

    Case in point... Daddy Dale who probably still has some emotional pull, if not actual pull, is still lobbying.

    I think there is some merit in what Dale is saying--the only trick here is are you trying to build a "popular" program, or a "winning" program? i suppose many during the Brady era would argue the former. Fill the stands, generate excitement in hoops for an otherwise "hoops indifferent" fanbase. I don't know if I like that, but it may just be the future LSU's coaches job description. So, you have a dividing factions of bring in a A.Grant or another bright mind OR stay with a LSU "insider" like Butch or Jones. That disturbs me a little considering you have some available young, bright minds in coaching you could go after "out of market" should always be about winning shouldn't it? :confused:

    I think realistically the wait on Grant is he can afford to be picky and he'd like to end up in FL, at USF or Miami. LSU now has to keep its options open and to some extent continue to play the field until a new AD is in. But, watch out for Scott Drew, perhaps a compromise between the Brown, non-Brown camps, you probably talk to Kennedy, Horn and others as discreetly as possible, and Butch as the safety pick, if Grant falls through. Jones? Don't think so.

  2. LSUalum24

    LSUalum24 Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    Nothing is official but it has been *alleged* that the job has been offered to Grant on the radio and other message boards.

    I don't see LSU as any worse then Miami and it's certainly a better job then
    USF. Grant also has SEC connections and LSU is the most attractive job open at the moment in the SEC.
  3. TGer'nLHornLand

    TGer'nLHornLand Founding Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    I'm not saying that the LSU job is worse than the Miami job either, but I do know that various reports have Grant wanting (in a perfect world) to get back to Florida. So, it's a "hometown" pull thing. There's no doubt that Miami could be a decent hoops destination, given the recruiting grounds and athletic department, but certainly doesn't have the history of LSU. Nevertheless, can't blame a guy for following his heart.

    Speaking of which, Bennett's name continues to surface. To someone's point above, do you think that LSU shouldn't consider someone being called on by INDIANA? :confused:

    In any case, don't know if LSU's thinking of calling him, but Tony Bennett's not ruled the LSU job out. Currently making about $700k per, and LSU would give him a pay raise (not sure what WSU's appetite is for a big pay raise, but likely they would move some...).

    It remains interesting folks....
  4. blindside517

    blindside517 Founding Member

    Jun 15, 2003
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    I think it might be down to Ford and Bennett, either one I would be happy with.
  5. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    Bennett turned down Indiana. That would be interesting he he were looking this way.
  6. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    FYI: Bennett's wife is a LSU Alum and from Baton Rouge.
  7. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    I trust the guy who told it to me. He has contacts within the LSU administration.
  8. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    It oughta be. We couldn't sell out the PMAC in the midst of a SEC championship season because the coach was a terrible ambassador for his program.

    I know folks felt a lot better about LSU basketball when we had more mediocre teams and Dale as coach.
  9. TGer'nLHornLand

    TGer'nLHornLand Founding Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    Ok, don't want to take away from the awesome win last night by the ladies :)geaux:), but wow the coaching carousel has just picked up steam, and LSU is standing in line to get on.... ARGHH! :angryfire

    Darrin Horn, the WKU coach, got swept up by South Carolina last night. Need I say more. Exciting young coach who plays up tempo, good pressure d, and had gotten the hilltoppers to the sweet 16. Not sure why he jumped on S.Carolina so quick, but clearly, they went out, picked their guy and jumped on him.

    Which of course, leaves LSU in a weird wait and see mode (again.. does it feel like Les Miles' hiring or worse?... of course, that turned out alright :yelwink2:). Despite canning Brady with like 6 weeks to go in the season, and having plenty of time, now we're scrambling. Case in point, now LSU has decided it DOES need a search firm to help... To all of the folks that praised the skies when Brady's ax came down, don't say there weren't folks on this board doubting the administration's ability to orchestrate this transition. We knew this was going to be choppy, but wow. :eek:

    Newest rumor...? :confused:

    Bennett. If we end up getting him, I'm going to be happy, but the chances of it falling through seem pretty high to me.

    Travis Ford? No thank you--he hasn't proven anything to me.

    Feels like Butch may be backing his way into the spot, which may not really be the worst outcome for LSU hoops, but this awkward period isn't exactly great for either LSU or Butch. Let's just hope we can get something done ASAP after the new AD is announced.

    Hang on. The ride's not over.
  10. TGer'nLHornLand

    TGer'nLHornLand Founding Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    While I see the merit of both sides of the coin, I just can't help but think, does that mean we're hiring a politician and not the best basketball coach? I mean, unless LSU is going to hire Roy Williams or Coach K, it is rare to find Dale Brown meets Bobby Knight these days, unless you are at a basketball school and can pay the $$$$$.

    When Daddy Dale filled the PMAC but could never get past the Final Four, folks were upset that he couldn't coach us to a NC. Perhaps that's good enough for this town? What does that say to a guy like Tony Bennett, Sean Miller, Brad Stevens or Mark Few, or any other really bright up and coming coach, considering LSU? You have to spend more of your time politicking and not coaching?

    Granted, Bruce Pearl has been able to show both sides... although, I'd argue Tennessee is a bigger hoops town (and he hasn't been to the final four yet :)).

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