You very clearly know nothing of taxes. Tax evasion is a crime. Nobody gets to evade taxes. If they do the IRS finds them and puts them in the pokey.
I have refuted the statements dozens of times in dozens of threads. I cannot count the number of times I have explained to you the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. I'm not going to waste any more of my time if you are going to continue to be ignorant.
I don't really get the whole % of income argument that lower income pays more in percentages. Well no ****. When you have less amounts getting to a higher percentage is easier. And no I don't think a person that makes $1m or $10m or $100m should share any more tax burden than a person making $10k. I would like to see how much that person making $10k gives to charity vs the person who makes $100m. This country needs to define what they want their tax money to do. Do you want the feds to take care of you from cradle to grave them yep you are going to have to tax EVERYONE at high percentages rates. If you want the feds OUT OF YOUR F'IN BUSINESS then taxes can come down. Way down. The current tax system is un-fair.
I know the difference, that wasn't the gist of my statement. You're dodging. So let me repeat the statement you made that remark about . . . I'd say that 70% is too high. But certainly 0% is too low. And with the tax loopholes available to those with resources, especially corporations, 0% is often what they pay.
Taxes can only come down if expenses come down. republicans keep raising expenses. Democrats keep raising expenses. Taxes can't come down unless major elements are cut like medicare, the military, NASA, social security, national parks and forests. What do you want to eliminate?
Maybe offer some evidence supporting the claim. Broad and inacurate generalizations often get dismissed. Alls I know is that I am yet to see a set of financial statements where a profitable company did not pay a whole bunch of taxes.
Medicare NASA SS Dept of Energy Dept of Education Dept of Homeland Security Shrink our military overseas and close needless bases. My list could go on.
i feel like i often have to point this out based on the way people phrase their posts--- is everyone aware that rich and poor alike pay the same tax rate on the first $20k of their income? similarly, if the top tax bracket is 40% for $500k then that high 40% rate only applies to the income above $500k. just checking.