You know that they say that just to tweak you! C'mon Col Reb! You know that some LSU fans around here are going to constantly be posting taunts just to irritate you! Perhaps most LSU and Ole Miss fans REALLY HATE each other, but, I suppose that I'm in the minority. I hate to lose to anybody, and I don't like Auburn very much at all. BUT I just can't bring myself to dislike Ole Miss. PS Eli won't be playing pro football in 2008 anyway, so the Chargers moving have nothing to do with Eli's dislike for them. I predict that in 2008, Eli will be the hottest new member of the cast of hit TV show: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy!
Oh!!!!!!!!!!That hurt. Although I have never watched the show(something about the name totally stops my desire to watch), I doubt the money is the same. However, I guess he could play ball and still be on the show.
Co champions my Arse, I live up here by Ole miss and these idiots THINK they won the NC I swear they are worse than USC. I'll be so glad when LSU stomps a muddy mud hole in their stupid wanna be asses this coming year. col reb please dont wave at me if you see me around Oxford. I'll go postal and I don't like the scenrey around parchman LOL just kiddin man I'm peaceful, but I hate Ole PISS. lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: the mannings are Prima donnas always have been. Eli was trained from very young to be good. he had all the tools, pretty much designed to be what he is. Now I hope Chad runs over him in a Pro game!
Just when I thought you might really have come around as a closet Tiger fan you start that co-champion of the west crap. Do you see any of us bragging about being 2002 SEC West Co-Champs. Act like you have been there before.
My philosophy regarding the Mannings precisely. :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug:
Man you cant tell these Ole Miss goofs anything, they claim 3 or 4 magical mystical non noticed National Championships also. AND DONT point it out to them they defend these nothing trophys like it was the crystal football. I guess I can't blame them though they are just clinging to ANY shred of history the school can muster.
Quote: Originally Posted by col reb His Rebels were CO-CHAMPIONS of the Western division. Yes....I know LSU beat OM. That is why they were co-champions. The best team won that game and deserved the Sugar Bowl. We won't get into "if this and if that." We do that and there is no way LSU loses to Fla. Again, I think it is great to have a NC NEXT DOOR. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats the craziest thing I've ever heard! Are you married to Cinderella?
I understand you not liking me even if the only reason is that I chose to pull for a team you do not. Now I see a reference of GOING POSTAL. Guess what large corp. I work for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Then your dislike will REALLY get deeper.