True it is sort of subjective, except if you look at the defining codes of Jedi and Sith. Jedi -- There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. (There is no chaos, there is harmony.)(*) There is no death, there is the Force.or Luke's Code -- Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect. Jedi respect all life, in any form. Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy. Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training. Sith -- Peace is a lie; there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free the motives of the Jedi are to help and protect, where as the motives of the Sith are to use and subjugate.
gotta go with supa on this one. Blue Harvest was much better IMO. still looking forward to their version of return though.
To each his own! But how they made the only Jew in Family Guy play the only Black man in the Galaxy was just beautiful!!!! You guys are clearly not scruffy nerf herders
at the time i remember thinking this was shoehorned in mostly to take a shot a george bush and they way he uses phrases like "axis of evil" and says "you are with us or against us".
that is funny that you should say that because the history channel show "Star Wars A Legacy Revealed" made that same reference.
i get what you're saying, but windu (besides having the wallet that says "bad mother----------") was basically trying to kill hitler before he went all hitler-ish. i don't think you'd mark anyone that murders hitler an evil person. but i know this discussion could get deep. just sayin. i think the even better argument comes from randall in "Clerks" talking about all the independent contractors and construction workers that died trying to rebuild the death star when they blew it up a 2nd time.
What's funny to me is the Death Star's construction obviously starts in Episode 3. So it basically took 17 to 20 years to get it fully operational, which is the gap between Episode 3 and 4. So you mean to tell me, it took 17 to 20 years to build, but the 2nd is halfway complete in 4 years? They must have either started construction on the 2nd one a few years after they started on the first, or, they got some super contractors who were able to throw a Death Star up in about 5 or 6 years.