See i always looked at Jedi like Shaolin Monks, but as a religion that was dying. And that balance to the force would be to eliminate the Sith who just by existing tip the scales of the force because of their rituals and use of the dark side.
you know what just hit me. Red..... is your name (Red55) a play on Luke Skywalker's call sign? Red 55 standing by. BTW fellow nerds i know its Red 5.
To jump off the cliff here... Are the Jedi really good? I think a case can be made that the Jedi are moral relativists, and therefore are not guided by principles. an example of this could be Obi-Wan telling Vader that only the Sith deal in absolutes, or when Mace Windu is going to kill Palpatine because he is too dangerous to be left alive. My point is are the Jedi really good, or are they really just not as evil as the Sith?
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have you seen..Something Something Something Darkside yet???? It is SO MUCH BETTER then Blue Harvest and they have already started working on a Return Spoof
Anakin does say before he and Obi Wan duel, that the Jedi are evil from his point of view, so i guess it is subjective. Mace Windu always seemed like an arrogant bitch anyway.
I did but i watched it at work and i don't really remember it, because it watched a minute here, and a minute there. When i get a chance i will watch the full thing.