My fellow Star Wars nerds..........

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by LaSalleAve, May 10, 2010.

  1. LSUtiger327

    LSUtiger327 Pow right in da kissa

    Nov 10, 2004
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    you just made every nerd cry out "they're DROIDS dammit, DROIDS!!!!!"

    i find this thread fascinating btw as i am a star wars fan too but maybe not a fan boy.
    i'm half ashamed to admit i do watch the clone wars series on cartoon network. it is geared a bit for kids, but there are deaths all the time, something you'd never see growing up watching GI Joe or transformers.

    also i'm pretty interested in the purge itself and order 66. i need to read those comics.

    lastly, the link below is one of my best friends, we grew up together and i was the best man in his wedding in march. he is insanely talented. i don't really read comics but a few guys who are really into comics might know his work. he's been doing pencils and freelancing for years and i think finally he's going to be given his own story/book to work on and develop which is where artists in sequencial art really make money. he deserves it. anyway he did some star wars stuff at one time....

    Brandon Badeaux - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
  2. Krypto

    Krypto Huh?

    Dec 1, 2006
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    1. well they are common models. Also if I remember right he never actually sees the droids.

    2. He did not have the memory erased at the end of ep3. R2 never really reveals much in the later books as well. I think there was one story about some very old memory files in R2 but they were corrupted or something. It has been a while since i read it.

    3. Why would Vader for to Tatooine? His mom is dead, there is no reason to go back. Anakin hated his moms new family.

    4. Same basic answer. It is 20 years later. He has no clue they are running to find Ben, who he thinks is dead. All he was doing was chasing a Senator with stolen data.

    5. Remember his offer to Luke at the end of Empire. Since there are only 2 Sith at a time, it is a goal of the Apprentice to rise up and kill the Master when he is ready to take over. Vader merely wanted to have Luke as his Apprentice once he dealt with Palpatine.

    6. Vader is outside the military chain. Tarkin is a Grand Moff, basically a full Fleet Admiral in the Navy , or 5 star General in the Army. The only person Vader really answers to is Palpatine.
  3. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I don't know that Vader ever saw the droids. And if he did he never heard their names. There were thousands of astromech and protocal droids that look alike.

    The bigger problem is how Obi-wan didn't recognize them. The typical apology is that he did, but did not want to reveal details of his father's past to Luke.

    The most likely reason is while Lucas had a loose framework of the story he made a lot of the supporting elements up as he went along.

    R2 and Bail Organa knew that Vader was Anakin. They never told Luke and Leia because they were instructed not to by Yoda and Obi-Wan. They thought if the children knew Vader was their father it would cause fear and doubt when one of them inevitably faced him.

    Palpatine could sense Anakin inside Vader and did not want anything that could bring about his return. He ordered Vader to sever all ties to Anakin, and going to Tatooine would have violated that order.

    They were places of Anakin's youth. And Vader really had no reason to be suspicous of anything. His child(ren) died with Padme as far as he knew, and the Jedi were all but extinct. In 20 years of searching he had found no clue that Obi-Wan was even still alive, so he likley assumed him to be dead. Tarkin surely did. He said as much when Vader told him he fealt Obi-Wan's presence.

    It did. When he learned a rebel pilot name Skywalker destroyed the first Death Star he knew it was his son. This happens in a novel call Splinter of the Mind's Eye.

    Vader was Palpatines enforcer, student, advisor, and confidant but he did not participate in the government. The Moffs ruled sectors of the galaxy as proxies of the Emperor. In administrative matters Vader was Tarkin's subordinate.
  4. Krypto

    Krypto Huh?

    Dec 1, 2006
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    Dark Lord was pretty good if I remember. Kinda cool to "see" early Vader.

    I got bored with the Han Solo trilogy. I have not read Coruscant Night series (Jax) yet (sitting in the pile.)

    Series/Books I enjoyed. Basically anything by Timothy Zahn.
    -- I dig the Darth Bane series of books. Set 4000 years before the movies. It deals with the creation of the modern Sith Rule of Two law.
    -- Rogue Planet -- only because it has a setup for a future series storyline.
    -- Outbound Flight was pretty good. Once again this sets up future storylines.
    -- Allegiance was pretty good
    -- If you want stuff that does not strictly follow Luke, Leia, Han then try the X-wing series. The follow Rogue Squadron.
    -- The Thrawn Trilogy. A Must Read if you want to read star wars books.
    -- Jedi Academy Trilogy is pretty good
    -- Black Fleet Crisis is a good read
    -- The Corellian Trilogy is ok. Deals alot with Han and his Family.
    -- New Jedi Order Series -- Massive series. I think it was over 20+ novels. Some of the individual books are hit or miss but overall I really liked the storyline. It give a really villain and counterpart to the Jedi.
    -- Legacy of the Force -- 9 book series. I liked some of it, hated other parts. lots of jedi and lots of older boba fett.
    --Fate of the Jedi series (current series) so far i like it.

    that is the list in the timeline. I tend to like the longer series more that the single books.
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    virgin birth is incredibly popular in mythology, not just star wars and christanity. for some reason people like their superheroes to come from virgins. pretty much every myth has a hero born from a virgin.
  6. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    You might be dorky enough to get this... I like to tell people I have Jedi heritage. My last name is the same as the current acting grand master of the order.
  7. Krypto

    Krypto Huh?

    Dec 1, 2006
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    hah yeah i got it.
  8. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    i deleted to save your identity if you want to delete the previous post, sorry. :D
  9. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Read the Darth Bane series, it really gets into how the Rule of Two works.

    When you become a Sith, and above that claim a Darth title you give up what you were before that. The Emperor could have been hiding the kids from him, or it could have been Obi-Wan or it could have been Anakin himself.

    If you believe Anakin truely became Darth Vader then I imagine it has to be Obi-Wan, but you don't get alot of detail in the movie. A bunch of stuff in the Movies don't mesh with what we know about Jedi and Sith in this scenario. And what we learn about Luke and Leia after Return of the Jedi if you think Darth Vader is just Darth Vader. He would have known without a doubt that they existed in my opinion, so this theory shouldn't be ture.

    I tend to believe that Anakin never died, and that part of him hid the kids from Darth Vader. Or Anakin became Darth Vader for the sole purpose to destroy Darth Sideous. I think the best thing that explains this sort of logic is the Dark Horse Comics - Dark Empire and the Darth Bane novels. Since I am starting to get into specifics I will stop, as it might be a spoiler.
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Palpatine tells Darth Vader that he killed Padme in a fit of anger on Mustafar. Which in turn created the worst Star Wars movie moment, when the camera scales back and Darth Vader goes "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO".

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