Been to LSU or any major university lately? There is an apparently endless supply of extremely bright graduate students from India. 75% of my graduate assistants in the last 10 years have been from India. They all speak English, they are ambitious and work hard, and their student visas don't allow them to work off campus. So anytime we have an opening, we have dozens of well-qualified applicants. Engineering Ph.D candidates will accept undergrad student worker grunt jobs . . . and work hard at them!
I hear the Indians bid on the death star, but they couldn't come up with a safety program to meet Imperial safety standards.
What kind of food do you think they served in the Death Star Cafe? And did you ever see anyone other than Jaba the Hutt eat or drink? I know the Cantina scene probably showed some people getting trashed on tatoine absinthe, but hmmmmmmm.
Kenobi is rushing to get a drink every chance he gets. In Episode II he tells Anakin to search for the bounty hunter while he gets a drink. In A New Hope the old lush wants to buy a round for the dudes effing with Luke.
ahhh, but do you actually see them drink anything? There was also a nice banquet meal in cloud city, when Lando sells out Han and company. I wonder if they sat down after Vader says "we would be honored if you would join us" and ate that nice meal. I wonder what the table conversation was.
Anakin feeds Padme in Episode 2. The Dug eats in Episode 1. There is a dinner table scene in Episode with Anakin. Padme, Qui-gon, Shmi, and Jar Jar.
Jedi can replinish themselves with the force for a long while. They can go without food, water, and sleep for a good while. Sith even more so.