ah, so this is the wife before her. Gotcha. Just checking to see if she was back on the market. Carry on.
I love this. Ole Bud Lee pops in after a long hiatus just to see if Sooner chick is back on the market. Hilarious
I remember an ol navy saying, something like, "Anything that flies, floats or fucks, should be rented" something like that. Kind of hard to fault that logic!
Here's where it all went wrong. I am senile, I may have posted this before, but I ain't lookin. Used to get married at 12, popped a few out at 14 or 16, got eaten by a Sabre tooth at 24 or so. It all worked so well. We have tried to transform a 12 year relationship model, into a sixty year model. It will never work. Never. Ever. Where is that damn sabre cat! Pretty proud of "transform" in above sentence. We are reviewing TRANSFORMATIONS for end of grade testing. My favorite!