My ex

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by shane0911, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    One more thing that is definitely worth mentioning is that I did get 2 awesome kids out of my failed marriage. My daughter is 12 and my son is 8 and both are straight A students and my son is an above-average athlete. I re-read my post and it seemed very distant and cold toward the "babies" that were born out of the marriage and I certainly did not mean for it to be read like that. My kids are awesome.

    side note: I bought my daughter Miley Cyrus tickets for Christmas in NOLA....the show is coming up and I think I made a huge mistake.
    b_leblanc likes this.
  2. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Take a buddy instead. You'll probably both get a run at Miley
    b_leblanc and LSUMASTERMIND like this.
  3. kluke

    kluke Founding Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    That was such a horrible thing to say. I know, because I laughed the way I always do at those kind of horrible things.
  4. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    I'm sending my g/f and my daughter. My g/f pointed out some words to her songs that range in subject matter from ecstasy to fellatio.
  5. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Dude, I can't exactly remember where (or why) I read it, but during the first show on her tour, she simulated masturbation on stage and blowing a Bill Clinton look alike. You definitely made a mistake if you send a 12 year old girl to see her.

    EDIT: This may explain it better than I did.
  6. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    I'm pretty liberal in my parenting...but I'm strongly considering selling those tickets.
  7. wjray

    wjray .-.. ..- -.- .

    Oct 23, 2005
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    I'm probably an anomaly here, but I've known my ex for almost 25 years. We worked together and were friends for years before we got romantically involved. We got married and things went well for a number of years. I'm still not exactly sure what precipitated the divorce, actually. It was probably a combination of things -- we moved back to La., I started a new job that had me at the office 10 hours a day and commuting about 2 hours a day, she started a new job she hated, I lost the job because the firm I worked at blew up (literally, the two named partners got disbarred) and, frankly, it was easier and (I'm sure she felt) financially safer for her to live with her parents.

    There were some hard feelings on both of our parts for a while and it was during that initial angry phase that I discovered the beauty of texting -- it allowed me to yell all kinds of nasty things at her while still communicating civilly.

    Over the years, things mellowed between us and we both decided that we were always going to have differences but we also had a child to raise together and he didn't need to have his parents sniping at each other. She did leave me speechless when I told her that I was seriously dating my now wife (I had dated a few other women but nothing ever got really serious) and her reaction was, "Oh. Really? Huh. I always thought we were going to get back together." Yeah, um, that's never going to happen.

    Just last week she told me she thinks the guy she's dating is going to ask her to marry him (my son had already clued me in on that fact) and she wanted my advice. I told her, as her ex, that I didn't care as long as the guy (who seems to be nice enough) treats my son well. But I also told her, as her friend, that she might want to take some time to think it over because he's only been divorced a couple of years and has a needy and somewhat crazy ex wife.

    So, to answer your question, I don't have any romantic feelings toward her anymore but she's still my friend. It's really kind of like the relationship Jerry and Elaine had on Seinfeld, but we've got a kid.
  8. Kal-El012

    Kal-El012 Founding Member

    Mar 13, 2009
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    @Cajun Sensation Yea pretty much. Divorce does make you gun shy with marriage, no doubt.
  9. Kal-El012

    Kal-El012 Founding Member

    Mar 13, 2009
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    You may have understood me. I by no means have any feelings for my ex. At all. I wouldn't piss on the bitch if she was on fire. But I will admit when I was 19-20 years old, I didnt think there was another woman on the planet for me. And I wonder if you ever have that feeling again the second time around, or is it more of, hey she's great, we get along, Im getting older, lets just tie the knot.
  10. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    You make a great couple.

    You better not let her get away, knuckle head. And you need to impregnate her before she looks around and wants some that are "hers" too. I'm sure "yours" are "hers" in that she is great with them but not exactly the same.

    Gives new meaning to "Golden Girl" don't it? :D
    Cajun Sensation likes this.

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