Yeah, with Americans in Iraq this is like real important stuff. I can't think of a more important issue than which football team gets invited to the whitehouse.
I hope he invites both at the same time and Nick brings the Crystal ball and a game ball. Let them strap it on right there on the White House lawn!!!!
Flag football game??? We could set up a game of Flag Football and with all of our speed, including a moblie QB, which is a must in Flag football, we would kill them. Have JaMarcus and Flynn as the blocking backs so that they could make halfback passes. We would kill em!
Bush won't carry California anyway. But if (and it's a big if) he doesn't invite LSU, that isn't such a bad reason for someone who otherwise supported him to abstain. Because if he invites only USC, it would be symptomatic of larger issues: 1) He would be pandering to a larger electoral base instead of doing the right thing (inviting both). That's exactly the kind of leader he promised he wouldn't be. 2) It would show a general disdain for Louisiana, similar to screwing us on offshore royalties and with CAFTA. In other words, he turned into one of the elitists who views us as flyover country.
I didn't post this to start a Bush vs Anti-Bush argument. I will vote for him whether he invites LSU to the White House or not but I will be disapointed if he doesn't. Inviting championship winning sports teams to the White House has become somewhat of a presidential tradition regardless of the politcal leanings of the man who holds the office. Clinton and Carter did it and Reagan and Bush I did it. I don't know how far back the practice goes. I know Nixon did it. I know that JFK was a big sports fan but I don't know if he hosted winning sports teams to the White House. Whether a sports team gets invited to the White House is really a trivial matter when weighed against the things that are going on in the world like war and the economy but if Bush can find the time to host USC he certainly should do the same for LSU. Whether he does or dosen't isn't going to gain or lose very many votes either in Louisiana or California. Those of us who support the way he is running the country will vote for him and those of you who oppose him will vote against him. Either way I feel that he should accord at least equal honors to the team that won the National Championship on the field under the rules that all agreed to abide by as he does to a team that finished number 2 in the final post bowl BCS rankings. I also realize that the president is far too busy to read all the email addressed to [email protected] but there are people assigned to read the email and to bring certain things to the attention of the president. If enough people express similar sentiments its likely that it would be brought to his attention.
Before you go casting stones calling a state "retarted", learn how to spell, or at least invest in a spell-checker program. I "shutter" to think about what the consequences may be if you do not! Would it be "rediculous" to think that someone may go about pointing out all of your misspellings after being called "retarted"? Think about it.
Calling a state's politics "retarded" is the same thing as calling everyone who takes part in a state's political process "retarded", to include any and every single person who has ever voted in an election. I was very offended by the accusation, but I still didn't levy a personal attack upon you. I didn't call you an asshole for the accusation, rather I just pointed out that one living in a glass house should offer caution when throwing stones, and if I were to be critical of the entire population of a state, I'd damn sure make sure I dotted the I's and crossed the T's. Sure, Louisiana politics has some historical "black eyes". The main reason is because the general public here CARE about politics. Politicians are very public figures here....from US Senators all the way down to your local alderman/city councilman, so, when something scandalous happens, EVERYONE knows about it. I challenge you to name one state that has gone without political scandal. Perhaps if you had voiced your opinions about the POLITICIANS in this state and not the POLITICAL PROCESS, I may have been more agreeable and have seen your point more clearly. You do understand the difference, right? So I guess politics are "retarded" everywhere then?