KAYAK.....not a canoe! And yeah, it the soggy bread thing...that shit sucks. That and I feel like I should finish them off. I only have three left. And I like the cheese spread...a lot of times it has bacon in it.
Dude, I’ve been on overnight camping trips that were 3 days long and didn’t finish off three of those things. It’s a lot of food in them
That's what I do on an all-day canoe trip. I make ham and cheese po-boys (french bread doesn't get flattened or soggy) with lettuce and tomato and just use mustard instead of mayonnaise. You don't even have to carry an ice chest, ham won't go bad in a few hours. Or carry some mayo packets and add them before you eat. A ham and cheese po-boy and an apple is the lunch of champions.
Red, you have not lived until you wash down a MRE with a cold beer half way through a 10 hour trip while floating in your kayak in the middle of nowhere. Though, when we are in a canoe, or just a really long trip (the trip is not really long until we are talking 40+), I just bring a loaf of bread, a package of cheese, and a family pack of bologna. That’s pretty good too.
I'd like to see an illustration of that going down in a canoe.....party barge I get it, no way in a canoe. Are you REALLY going to paddle 20 miles in one day? That's 2.5 MPH for 8 hours straight, or you just floating down stream? Either way I know you'll be crushing that MRE.
HA!! I do 42 in 6 hours with straight paddling. I plan on knocking out 20 at a nice leisurely pace in 5. Depends on the number of beers and if I take a long lunch break. Not that hard actually...I mean we are not tlaking 50 Shades of Grey stuff here..but it has been done.