I am aware that there are some MP3 players out there with an FM Tuner. However, I want a damn ipod with one.
anyone ever use Shure's earbuds? they're the greatest yet most expensive ever and they are canal-phones so you cant hear a damned thing when running or whatever which is good and bad. i think they are worth every penny.
I just ordered an iPod Mini off of Apple's website, and got it laser engraved for free...Chose the upgraded shipping method, and I'm hoping it won't be years before it gets here to my doorstep... I got to fooling with one that my girlfriend's mother won through an office contest...It just seemed so simple to use, and cardio and workouts would be perfect for it... Anyone got the 6GB sized Mini? I think mine's a 4GB version... Also...I've downloaded a massive amount of songs online via Kazaa & Bear Share, and saved them both in Bear Share's player as .mp3 and in Window's Media Player's Library as .mp3's...What's the deal with transferring these? Is it going to be a tedious process, or seamless?
It's not really...I mean...Some of it's organized by Artist name first...Some of it by Title...and some of it I like to just "potluck" my way through... Ever searched "80's Rock" or "Old School Rap" on Kazaa and just looked at all the sh!t you couldn't have possibly remembered from back in the day even if you tried? I have found some of the best music from my younger days and the days that I wasn't really able to get into scenes like punk, 80's rock, etc... Pretty neat little little trick my friend used to do when he was just feeling like finding some fresh music...
Hahaha. This is part of my job at LSU. We turn people's internet off when they get caught downloading music by the RIAA. People are so stupid, "What? I can't do that? Why not?" I always ask, "Haven't you heard of people getting sued for downloading music online?" The answer is always yes, but apparently they think it doesn't apply to them. The students don't get in trouble, they sign a sheet that says they will delete the son and their internet gets turned on the next day, it's just a pain in the a$$. Somebody said that their song wasn't illegal because they paid $30 to download Limewire. I informed them that it was still illegal, she was just stupid & got scamed. And actually, I'm pretty sure the RIAA doesn't catch you downloading music - they catch you sharing music. If you disable sharing then you won't get caught.
you can get busted for downloading as well yet they focus mainly on those sharing out of control more often than not. they can pick and choose as they feel.