risky. kids that study ancient myths sometimes do some thinking and develop some ideas about the modern myths. you may soon have a little atheist on your hands. you may or may not like that, i dunno.
Just saw The Tooth Fairy with the family. Very funny and tasteful movie. Laughed out loud several times. Highly recommend for the family types.
Maybe too early to tell, but close. Though I agree, a child at the age of 8 still has a total sense of imagination and fantasy. Once a child hits 9 they go through a 9 year change in which they are grounded, fallen to the earth. It is then they challenge imagination with rational thought. It is critical that at that time they receive their bar-code tattoo's and remain under surveillance. :hihi:
Hurt locker was awesome. Intense movie and not to sound gay or anything but the Character's evolving was really good. Just a very well acted, directed and intense war movie. I like Basterds as well. The Bear Jew was great.
We're studying it with my 7th graders right now, and some of them are picking up on how eerily similar the Greek myths are to the Bible... If she questions things, that's probably good because I question religion a lot myself.
Saw the Book of Eli, pretty decent movie. Wanted to see Port Call, wife didnt want to, wanted to see Avatar, she didnt want too. Almost saw the Mel Gibson movie, but we just went to BB Kings instead. Looking to see Basterds on blu-ray, if I feel like buying it.
We watched "The Hurt Locker" Saturday night and it was good. Like others have said, it was very intense and just a well made movie. Wife didnt like it as much as I did but thats not surprising. She is more of a chick flick lover and doesnt like war/violence in movies.
I have to disagree with he consensus on The Hurt Locker. I anticipated this film quite a bit and after watching it, I wasn't particularly impressed. It isn't a bad movie, but it's certainly not one of the top films of the year either. I found both the characters and plot underdeveloped and shallow. The technical aspects of it were sorely lacking (the sniper scene was godawful, the protocol for their disposal work wasn't realistic, the "renegade" soldier who's allowed to do this type of stuff his whole career cliche, etc.) The story line IMO was rather predictable and ho hum. It had a few big name stars who appeared in the film for only a few seconds each, I guess to give it some credibility. The acting was pretty good, which is what saved it from being a disaster for me. It can't carry the jock strap of a Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now or Platoon. Barely 3 out of 5 stars.