Lots of good advice already but here's my .02. First of all, they're usually not alone, if they are, not for long. Once there's another, then they really multiply quickly and they breed year round. The females may have their first estrus at 25-40 days with the average gestation period being 20 days. I like to poison them with "Baits" that they eat and, though they do sometimes die in a wall, it's rare. The bait makes them thirsty and they head for their water source. Here's a link with one for $9.00....$15.00 with shipping- brought right to your door and you don't have to disenfect your counter-top. :hihi: http://store.doyourownpestcontrol.com/cgi-bin/pestcontrol.storefront/EN/addtobasket/R152
But if it does happen then you're doomed to dealing with an awful smell for at least a few days. Kill it where it eats.
I would go with a with a multi- pronged attack.I hate mice. I would bring the entire mouse catching arsenal .Glue boards and traps with peanut butter and bait.I would also try to figure out where the little monster got in the house . While I was in college I was working at a grocery chain . We had a pretty good sized mouse problem. One day ,in the backroom a mouse runs by ,and a coworker tried to use the "stomp them to death with your foot method". He missed and the mouse ran up his pants leg.Off came his pants....QUICKLY.One of the funniest things I ever saw.
No advice really. I've used the bait and had them die in walls and yes, it stinks. I've used the snap trap and had it only break a leg so the job had to be finished. Used the sticky tape and that was pretty much the same thing. So that bring me to a poem I read once and seems to fit since this IS a Tiger board. Love them little mousies Mousies what I love to eat Bite they little heads off Nibble on they tiny feet Get to it son and pass on the recipe.
Sliced bread wadded up in a small ball placed right in the center of the glue trap has worked best for me. I had a family take up residence once. Killed every last one of them. Ever hear a mouse scream ? Well they do.