When I was 7 or so my family and I made a trip to Wyoming 1st before making our way to Banff, CA for skiing. We went to a restuarant in town and had a great meal. My 2 older and Dad decided to order a dozen Rocky Mountain Oysters. I am clueless at this point and they said why dont you try them they are great and it is just oysters like back home. Thinking they were just oysters and we were near some mountains I decided to give them a shot. I loved them and after I ate the 3rd one everyone at the table started cracking up laughing and they told me I was eating balls. The was devestated and weeping while they were saying I had some balls leftover on my lips. :cuss: I should of known since the menu had a buffalo standing backwards with his balls dangling in front of my face the whole time.:cry:
I first heard of mountain oysters when I was stationed in Oklahoma in the Air Force. I swear I did not believe the guy when he told me what they were. And no, I have never tried them, nor do I want to. Hellz bellz, I don't even like ocean oysters.
My old uncle used to say they use the whole pig when making hotdogs, bologna, potted meat, and spam. As he said, "everything from the snoot to the poot."
No way. Gizzard are kinda tough and chewy like calamari. Lamb fries and Calf fries are more like chicken nuggets with the texture of liver.