Clair, you're right. USC is definitely a great team, and I think there is no way that the Texas Longhorns will stop Matt Leinart and the President. USC wins this one pretty big, 47-28. Hook em Trojans!
This argument is very flawed and overplayed. LSU needed two miraculous escapes against the two Pac-10 teams we played in the past two seasons. Neither of those teams looked very puss to me.
they did to me, maybe not against lsu, but the team the whole season, although asu did look good against usc, they turned out to be a dud. osu wasnt any good at all.
Both of those teams were pitiful at best whether LSU struggled against them or not. The Puss 10 has one legitimate team USC and one pretty good team in UCLA. It's about the same every year, a good USC and one other decent team and absolutely nothing else.
For years people lambasted Mack Brown because he couldn't win even a conference championship with all those highly ranked recruiting classes. Now, even with all those high ranking classes, people act like Texas doesn't have the horses to play with USC. I don't think USC is ready for the UT team that will show up in Pasadena.
I can't stand Mack Brown, UT, or anything to do with UT. (I really dislike Augie Burrito!) That being said, if there is one team I dislike even more than the Longwhores, it is USC! I will be holding my nose and pulling for the Texas team in the Rose Bowl.
I also think this year USC was trying to prove a point, that point being that they are the great almighty team - untouchable - and still had to "pull out" a few games down the wire. I love to hear the Espin announcers criticize other teams for squeaking out a win and, when USC does the same, complimenting USC for "knowing how to win".:lsup:
Please do not mistake my previous statement as affection for anything associated with that feedlot in Austin.