mistake. I corrected it. Thanks. I can still shut my eyes and see Bo Jackson running over his ass. Boz was never the same after that.
actually I have three cousins that live in Austin TX. None in MS. and i never named the person in question, how did you know it was you? could have been from a pm. You keep refering to "getting some" and other such sexual subjects on this forum and I find it offensive. Kind of like those pictures. My Little girl can read and I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from typing these off color remarks. that is just un acceptable on a sports forum. Kindly read the rules. I'll thank you not to ruin our sports forum with these sexual comments. you know what they say, islstl, sex is like air it isn't an issue unless you're not gettin any, and YOU keep bringin it up. LOL must weigh on your mind. good luck with that and Merry Christmas
.. I've seen alot of NFL flops posted here. That is not the same as Over rated NFL player. Trev was a big flop. He wasn't around long enough to be rated.
The guy was a 3-time All-American and 2-time SEC DPOY. Doubtful that someone has much ground on that one.
Yeah but until he hits the pros, I will givE him no respect. Especially after the overhyped 2003 season.