(Most Definitely NON-LSU) Why So Many Threads on Alabama Football Coach?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TejasTiger, Jun 18, 2007.

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  1. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Fair enough. I do understand what you mean by an LSU fan being called out on other Bama boards. Hell, the same thing happened to Red on a forum I used to be associated with, and, he can testify it didn't sit well with me when it happened. But, that in itself is another story in itself.

    Little shots taken at me, Saban, Bama, whomever, it doesn't bother me in the least. In fact, I find it to be one of the things that makes the rivalry within the SEC so entertaining.

    You'd understand this a WHOLE lot more if you were immersed in a sea of Clemson and South Carolina fans, forced to hear their feeble, yet passionate, explainations of why they belong in the same conversations as Bama, LSU, Auburn, etc.
  2. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    is there another way to spell "Tuscalooser" ? :)
  3. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Wow. Good post Red.

    Here's the thing Red. He did say that. More than once and the next day/press conference he was hounded again with the same questions.

    When I say I understand it, perhaps, you don't understand where I'm coming from. The understanding I have comes from his history, how he deals with the media, and his quick reactions to things he just doesn't feel are worth the time to address at that time.

    Miami would be considered a dream job for anyone making the leap from NCAA to NFL ball, wouldn't it? Much like organizations like Dallas, Washington, San Fran, etc. It's a chance to put a name along with some legends.

    Frankly, Saban has said the same about coaching at Alabama. If one has sucess at Bama (see Stallings as example) he is forever remembered in the lore surrounding our program. The successful football coach at Alabama happens to be one of the most popular and powerful people within the state. THAT, considering the ego we've talked about, makes him a perfect fit.

    His attitude with press conferences, etc., considering the amount of attn. the job carries with it, is another perfect fit.

    Unlike a lot (fRan and Curry come to mind) he's able to handle winning and the pressure.

    I could go into details today about some of the things because there are instances/examples I could point to with players that have already graduated. However, those stories would include some of the kids still on the team. Quite frankly, I don't think that a right thing to do...associating names with discipline problems when they still have the opportunity to make something of their lives.

    Intersting point about the 10 wins buying support. With some, it does. With those that actually have decision making abilities at Alabama, it's a mark expected. Heck, since we've been playing at least 10 games per year (1920's) we only had one coach who didn't reach that mark. Especially considering the program has had more 10 win season than any other in the country. (OU trails by 1 at my last count)

    With some, he never had a lick of support. Others, including me, didn't know if he could handle the HC position and looked at the hire as a *worse case scenario he'll get us through the lean years.* It was evident, clearly, in '05, he wasn't the man. The first symptoms where in '04...but, the injury bug that hit the team extended his "honeymoon" period a bit.

    If you will think back to when you were posting a bit on the other site, you'll remember how we were pointing to the O problems and commenting that the lack of success you see isn't the problem, but a symptom of other things going on.
  4. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    change your tune, SF? this post is from a closed thread so i was unable to use the quote function. emphasis mine. understand, i have no problems with terry. i'm sure he's a nice person, but when he blows more hot air about spending $350.00 on other sites but can't/won't give Brett a dime it sticks in my craw. why? i don't know. i guess it goes back to $crappy and others who were "hounded" about contributing. keep on posting your crimson colored rhetoric, terry. i'll continue to contribute so you can.

    03-12-2006, 09:52 PM #1 SabanFan vbmenu_register("postmenu_426455", true);
    The voice of reason


    Join Date: Oct 2002
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    [​IMG] Should TF be a pay site?
    I spend a lot of time here and gladly pay my money, unfortunately, there are too many who spend a lot of time here and freeload. When those same freeloaders constantly spam the forum with their inane, rabblerousing idiocy, it just compounds the aggravation. I seriously think we should consider petitioning Brett to make it mandatory to put up the $$ or go elsewhere. If you can't afford the $20, too bad. Sometimes life sucks.
  5. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    You know we just call it T-town because it's over two syllables. :hihi:

    Tetrarch, fwiw. Although, calling him a subordinate prince doesn't quite fit either...
  6. TejasTiger

    TejasTiger Founding Member

    Sep 16, 2003
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    What's interesting about CLM is part of this "uncertainty" fans had about the man is that, to the public, he almost seemed too...nice. I'm sure he gets a case of the red ass behind closed doors that'll rival anything anyone else does, but I've heard the "nice" and "passive" terms dropped in conversations about CLM many a time.

    Until this past national signing day, that is. Maybe CLM needs a "villian" to focus on, a foil he can rev up for in order to get really pissed off. During his Stillwater days, it was another talented yet ego-centric and shadowy guy in Bob Stoops; now, it's the taking credit for CLM's 22 wins in 2 years and dirty recruiting on CNS's part that has CLM talking about having, "...a new rival in f**king Alabama." Nothing too "nice" about the chip ol' Les is carrying on his shoulder these days...

    I, for one, love it! Go on with your bad self, Lester. FEAR THE HAT, ALWAYS!!!:thumb:
  7. TenTexLA

    TenTexLA Founding Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Coming from guys who have not been here very long? That's weak. Thanks for pointing out that your not sweating it. Hmmm, sounds like you are quite bothered. Oh well.....
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    No doubt about that.

    I understand. :thumb:
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Who is this CLM? Are you talking about Les?


    It's why we call him Les. :grin:
  10. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    actually miami was exactly his dream job, or so he thought. his lifelong dream was to showcase himself on the largest football stage that is the NFL and he failed miserably. He single-handedly gutted that team with poor drafts and terrible off-season decisions that will be akin to recovering from katrina.

    the wake he left behind considering the resources he was given is beyond embarrassing. He had the most assistants of anyone in the history of the league. Then calling his team on a speakerphone to avoid telling zach thomas and jason taylor face-to-face is one of the most gutless things Ive ever heard.

    Saban thought he had finally landed the gig to make his mark where it really counts. To not only join his co-genius buddy in belichick but to one-up him in his own division.

    Doesnt take long to realize when the quicksand is covering your head and survival instincts kick in. Suddenly saban's dream job became his nightmare and quickly had the urge to be the teacher of young men at gumpville.

    40 million dollars can heal a lot of wounds when you were close to being if not already a laughing stock in the nfl after barely 2 years.

    Saban had to bail then before his reputation across the nfl was damaged even more severely if that was possible. As it stands now, since he bailed, he can still return someday since someone will see any success at bama or elsewhere and take another chance. He and mr sexton will cash in once again, that i have little doubt.

    If he had stayed even one more year at miami, he would have likely been fired and viewed even more a failure than he already is...amongst nfl circles.

    College was just his bail-out last minute booty call. And what a high piece of ass he got as a bonus.
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